Thursday, July 21, 2011

Proverbs 3: 27-31

Read Proverbs 3: 27-28. When I read these two verses, I tried to think of a time that I could have done was in my power to do it...and I didn't. "Good" can be so many things. It can be giving a gift. Giving a shoulder of emotional support. Sharing my faith. Writing a letter. I am humbled to think of how often I am selfish and un-giving.

Verse 28 was even more of a wake up call. I have a blog friend that has been expecting a gift from me. She is the entire reason I started my quilt ministry. I told her that I would make her a quilt. Then one thing led to another. One charity quilt after another. Then my shoulder/arm froze up and I had to quit making anything larger a small wall hanging. This person saw a place mat that I had made for another blogger and she got very upset and left a very snotty comment. She mentioned for all to see that I promised her a quilt and she didn't get it. Obviously she has been hurt;and I could be judgmental and write her a letter telling her that if she read my blog she would know I was physically not capable of quilting for a year, but that would not be right. Because she refuses to talk to me, I did what I needed to do. I gave the situation to God. But I have to wonder, what if I had been more timely in my giving? She certainly would be blessed instead of hurt right now!

Read verses 29-30. Are you a person that likes to stir up trouble? Just don't. Search your heart and if you struggle with this then please ask God for help. I have a grandmother that likes to stir up trouble. I won't go into details. Let me just say that she is almost 90 years old. Has no family left, and I think, last I knew, only 1 friend. She lives out in the middle of nowhere and if she passes away in her sleep or something, it will be quite sometime before it is noticed. Yet she still tries to continue to stir up trouble where ever she goes. It is so sad.

Read verse 31. I can honestly say that I have never envied anyone that had anything to do with violence. But I also know that each has struggles that others don't. I have another family member that struggles with this. And all it does is land him in jail about once a year. Again, so sad.

In close, I just want to clarify that I tell my stories as examples. I am not pointing the sins of others to make them look bad or me look better. I have so many many many sins in my past. I am forgiven though. And I can claim victory over them through Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for that! When someone comes to mind, like the ones above, instead of pointing my finger at them, I pray for them and pray that God will humble me to hurt for these people.


  1. I do try to have a kind heart and share in my blessings. As far as 29 -30 I've let go of a few friendships in the past 2 years because of the trouble that people like to create. It was a good decision.

  2. It is so hard to do that isn't it? At least for me. But completely necessary. I am blessed in that I have moved so much in the last 5 years I just keep getting fresh starts in that area.

  3. Oh Tonya - this one hit home for me. Often enough people with the biggest hearts somehow fall short and in your case it was the quilt - It was God's way of telling you that your doing to much for all and to let someone do something for you. I often fall short as well - but we view as a blessing because it gives us time to morn and review our Faith and to refresh our Faith and that is what God wants us to do. Its a reminder that we are not perfect because we aren't - we don't get to be that until we die and stand before our wonderful Lord.
    Your heart is so beautiful and I know your not perfect and that's why you fit so well in Jorge's and mine heart so well!!


  4. I agree with Evielynne above, Tonya. You have such a good heart, and try to help everybody. You just can't do it all. Your potential recipient needs to understand what you have been through, and have grace in her dealings with you. You certainly are showing the fruits of the Spirit in dealing with her! The second half of verse 27 sums it up for you: "if thou art able, do good thyself" have not been "able."
    This was a good reminder, though, of how we are blessed, and are blessings to others, if we can.
    Jacque in SC

  5. Ministries, even quilt ministries!, can become a god. I have to be very careful not to put my passions above my God.

    Thank you all for your kind words. You have brought up something I am struggling with. I have been overwhelmed with gifts from you blog family. Each gift has come at just the right time and has been such a blessing to me! I have been fretting over how to return the kindness. I just realized--just now--that number one I am sinning by fretting over it. And number two--I am not able right now. I don't have time to sew up nice little gifties, and I have this great vision of making these cute little (well, I'll not say more as maybe I'll get it done someday)..but the finances aren't there for them.

    I just need to DO as God wants me to DO and nothing more. Do any of you deal with that? You want to do and do until it is beyond your means? God took my DOING TOO MUCH away when he took away my arm, but I still tried, so He took away my walking. That was a huge wake up call. Now I sew just a teeny bit each day, and I focus more on what God wants me to focus on each day. Seth and Stephen. That is my place of giving right now.

  6. I've had to pull away from a couple of folks, because of their "stirring up trouble". One actually told me "God made me this way" and I knew nothing would change. The other is someone very close to me, and although I won't withdraw completely from them, I have distanced myself as much as possible.

    I used to fret over reciprocating gifts. But you know what? People don't normally give a gift so they will receive one in return. I realized that they were giving it because they wanted me to have it. Period.

    For several weeks, months actually, I ran myself ragged to do several things for several people and the NICU ministry. I have a hard time saying no, and a hard time not coming up with more things to do for someone I care about. Lately though, life (God?) has been putting blocks in my way. I'm getting used to not sitting at the sewing machine every free minute. I have to try to continue that.

  7. Oh, and I concur with all those who said you have a kind and generous heart. I feel very blessed that somehow, God brought us together via blogging. :) It is so obvious that you have a heart for God and for others. It's in every blog post.


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