Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prayer requests and praises

This week as we gather to share prayer requests and praises, I'd like to thank everyone who joined me in praying for our son; he recently took the bar exam, and now is waiting (a full month! oy.) for the results. Thank you for your prayers . . . he says that it was very difficult, but he hopes he did well. I know that the Lord blessed him with clarity of thought and a fast-moving pencil. (Grin) Now I'm praying for the examiners as they grade the appliants' essays!

Also, I had often asked for prayer for an unspoken request, and recently we've seen progress on that front. I can't share that with you, but please know that I am grateful for the prayers that you have spoken on behalf of that situation. God is good, and things are improving!

Lately I've been remembering these verses as I pray and as I thank Him for His involvement in my life. What an awesome thing to realize afresh, that the Creator of our world is interested in our tiny lives! His love is truly an amazing thing . . .

                   Like a shepherd He will tend His flock, In His arm He will gather the lambs 
                   And carry them in His bosom; He will gently lead the nursing ewes. (Isaiah 40:11)

                   I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
                   (John 10:11)

Leave a comment for us so that we can join you in prayer or praise this week.


  1. We do indeed thank the Lord for His tender mercies and answered prayer. It almost takes my breath away when I realise how much the creator of the universe wants to be involved in every little bit of our lives! Hugs, Caro xx

  2. As does Caro, I too give my deepest most sincere and heartfelt praise to our Lord for ALL His mercies. We only need to stop thinking of one thing or two and open our eyes to ALL He does each minute of our lives for us. Uncounted mercies and goodness.

    I am recovering from that harsh surgery. As I said, I know I would either walk into His arms when they took me to the operating room or I would open my eyes to see my children. The Lord granted me to latter but either way, I would be blessed and a winner.

    I thank you and others here who prayed with and for me. My gratitude is very sincere and reaches each of you in love.

  3. Praise God for answered prayer! We all know in our heads that our Lord hears us when we pray, but it's the answers that turn that head knowledge to heart knowledge and praise and joy! Our daughter is doing well with her pregnancy... more answered prayer. She goes for another ultrasound this week that will check the size of the fibroid growths, and will also tell, hopefully, boy or girl. We are hoping and praying that the baby is growing well, and that the fibroids are not.

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