Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Prayer requests

Are you as excited about prayer as I am?

Wait a minute -- I'm NOT holding myself up as some great example!

I'm just speaking honestly with you!

In the past couple of years, as my relationship with the Father has deepened (and I am so grateful for His presence) I have seen answers to prayers that simply amaze me.

No, He doesn't always answer the way I think He will.

Sometimes He doesn't answer when I think he should!

But He does answer. And He does that because He cares so much for you, for me, for all of us!

So, I'm excited when people honor me with knowledge of their requests. Because I know our Father loves us, and delights in our asking for His help.
The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord: but the prayer of the upright is his delight. (Psalm 15:8)
Paul said in II Corinthians that whether he was in heaven or on earth, he would make it his aim to please God.  What if there were no possible way that we could respond to our holy God that would delight Him?  God is sovereign, powerful, and free. He delights not when we offer him our strength, but when we express our hope in HIS strength!

I know, right? This is such fabulous news that you would think we'd remember it.
But instead, we need to be reminded again and again!

And He actually reminds us in the most astonishing ways -- by working in our lives and answering our prayers!

Do we enter His presence with delight? Do we spend as much time in thoughtful communion with Him as we do with any of our earthly loved ones? Ouch. Yeah, I know, that was a tough blow.

I remember nights that never seemed to end, when tears wouldn't stop coming. But I also remember:
He brought me out into a spacious place;    he rescued me because he delighted in me. (Psalm 18:19)
That's what I'm talking about!

So, please, be encouraged by my testimony, and the witness of others, too. He cares, and He cares in a way that no one else can.
Let us know of your requests. Let us join you in prayer. Then let us join you in thanksgiving; He will answer!


  1. I am seriously considering expanding my business. Currently I do long arm quilting, but the income from that is limited by the number of hours I can spend at it. My husband turns 65 on Friday, and one of his pensions disappears then so our income is going to take a drastic hit. I know the Lord provides for His children. Is my expanding to sell quilts and patterns for quilts part of that provision? I’m finding there are a lot of hoops to jump through for this process. Some days I’m positive this is a good idea, other days I wonder what on earth I was thinking to believe I could do this.I’m praying for guidance and clarity and for the hoops to be manageable.

  2. I honestly don;t know what I would do without prayer. And I slip and fall hard in feeling sorry for myself sometimes. But I know He understands my very human frailty.


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