Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Verses that inspire


This week's inspiration came from our psalm . . . . there's so much there to put us in awe and inspire us! But one verse jumped out at me, in spite of the psalm being sooooooo familiar!

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained; (v. 3)

I don't know about you, but most of the time in the past, my attention went to the "You have ordained" part. But I love that the Spirit made me look at the first part this time . . . "the work of Your fingers."

Of course, God spoke things into existence. He knew what He wanted. He created what He wanted. But this verse says the heavens and the heavenly bodies are the work of His fingers! So amazing to think about!

Having had the opportunity recently to play with our granddaughters and watch them create things with what we grew up with as "play dough," I enjoyed watching their nimble fingers flatten, mound, and manipulate the different colors of "dough" into what they wanted. I hope that you won't feel it's blasphemy, but I kind of imagine God doing something similar. "The work of Your fingers...."

Wouldn't it have been fun to see Him make the sun? The planets Mars, Saturn, and more? All of the stars in the sky? I mean, honestly, where do we think we get our creative urges? We were created in His image! Just as we enjoy the play of colors and textures, so must God have enjoyed the process of "working with His fingers" to create our galaxy and others, to build the stars and planets that populate our skies!

Personally, I DON'T believe in the "Big Bang" theory. I believe in creation. And I believe in God. And I believe in (and love looking at) the work of His fingers!

It is I who made the earth
    and created mankind on it.
My own hands stretched out the heavens;
    I marshaled their starry hosts. (Isaiah 45:12)

That's a verse that inspires!

If you have been inspired by a verse or a passage recently, I hope you will comment and let us read it too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I have. But rather than Creation per se, the verses I'm stuck on forever more are John 19: 20-22. From the first time I read it till this second it raises chill bumps thinking they were THE first men on earth to receive the Holy Spirit.


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