Monday, October 26, 2020

How to change from the inside


We've all known people who are certain they know when the end times are coming. Some even know the date the world as we know it will end. The stereotype of the man pacing up and down the sidewalk wearing a sign "the world will end" or "the end times are here" is familiar to all of us.

Some religious groups purport to know when Christ will return. They nail it to a date and say they are sure it will happen. They look around, as you and I do, and see evil, immorality, and unbelievable wickedness in our world.

I agree. I expect we can all agree. Evil is running rampant in our world. This earth is in trouble. Jesus must be glorified in our lives. There's a desperate need for all believers to pray for fresh infilling each day from the Spirit, so that we can reach out to others before it is too late.

Before it's too late. 
Sounds ominous, no? But it's very real. We must pray for God's mercy while we can. Judgment is coming, according to what we read in our Bible.  
We humans have phrases for this: when the chickens come home to roost, or maybe when the skeletons are out of the closet, even a much older one: when it's time to pay the piper. All of these phrases point to the fact that sooner or later, we all will have to face the consequences of the choices that we have made. 
And that's true for nations, too, just as it is for individuals. 
One can't mock God forever.
Cannot ignore Him.
Can't pretend He's not there.
Can't just do as you please without inviting judgment from God.
And as we look around us, most people seem to be doing just what they please. Most countries, too.
That sounds a lot like when Habakkuk looked around himself, too.  He saw wickedness and trouble everywhere.
God had told him, "Judgment is coming, Habakkuk!"
Now he understands what God means. That's why, when we come to chapter three, things change a bit. We started out with confusion and fear. But now Habakkuk has clarity; he understands and he is full of faith in God.
Now, nothing has changed on the outside yet.
The wickedness and trouble are still around!
It's the inside that's changed - the inside of Habakkuk. He has moved from worry and fear to a place of confidence, joy, and praise. How did this happen?  The people around him are still mocking God. There's still violence in the streets. The Babylonians still have a future date with Jerusalem. Just looking on the outside, everything seems to be just as messed up as it was in the beginning!

We'll find out this week how Habakkuk changed on the inside. Chapter three will tell us about his spiritual journey - and it can influence our journey, too. 
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105)

1 comment:

  1. SO love that Psalm. And it is so true. Love to you and your husband and family.


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