Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Prayer requests - are you sleeping OK?


It's always tough to sleep when feeling guilty.

Been there?

I know I have. The sarcastic remark in the business meeting, the way I snapped at the telemarketer on the phone, the glare I sent to the person who stepped in front of me in the line at the store, even the frustration that spilled out in my prayer right in the middle of thanking Him for keeping me safe all day. . . . Oy vey.

Even though our business associate, the sales person, that customer in the store, or anyone else we offended that day is probably sleeping at this hour, our Father is not asleep. He is waiting for us to ask Him for forgiveness. It's not only because He is a perfect and holy God, but also because it will actually make us feel better. Asking His forgiveness means that we agree we were wrong - we could have handled things better - and grace will be unfolded over us, while mercy is poured on our hearts. The Lord will wash us clean with forgiveness. Oh, Christian, don't take that forgiveness for granted . . . it cost Him His life on the cross, but He gives it to us repeatedly and generously. He is awake; He is not sleeping. He is ready and willing to hear us. He will give us strength for a new day filled with new mercies and grace. We may be able to right the situation tomorrow. Just two simple words: I'm sorry. It may not be possible to find that person who cut in line in front of us, but we can resolve to pass on His mercy and compassion to others -- we can find the strength to be slow to anger.

We can be a light and a witness to others of His love, His grace, and His mercy.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32)

Go to sleep now, believer. Guilt no longer holds power over you tonight. Let His peace and joy help you fall asleep and rise refreshed to do His will tomorrow.

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