Monday, May 21, 2012

Proverbs 21: Husbands

To those that are new, thank you for joining! I am Tonya and I co-author with Snoodles. We trade weeks back and forth. We have completely different styles of writing--which is perfect as we have something for each of you!

Most of you know that before I sit down to write the studies for the week, I take the time to read them a few times, and turn them over and over in my head. This past week I was surfing around looking at the way others have approached the study of Proverbs. One person, I don't even remember who, approached in a manner that if I could go back in time, I would have like to done. Proverbs is full of...well....Proverbs. Many ideas and even passages are repeated. This one study did a Book approach, where he looked at fools (the unsaved), the wise (saved), husbands, wives, authorities, pride, ...etc, in each a separate study. Well, don't worry, I am not going to go back and start over! But I am going to have us start over in Chapter 21. I want to take a whole chapter approach this week. Snoodles had some very very good points last week that we will review this week; and then we'll add a few things. 

We are right in the middle of May for ME around blogland. I can't think of a better ME thing for one to do this month than spend time with God and pray for our husbands. If you have been with us from the beginning, I have always recommended getting a journal, and rather than just read these daily posts as a devotional, using them as a jumpstart each day to dig in for your own studies. You might even want to dedicate a page just for your husband and ways that you need to pray for him, encourage him and show love to him.

 I will continue in Chapter 21 as long as it takes me--and it might take a bit!--, and then let Snoodles pick up the study again in Chapter 22.(Hope you don't mind Snoodles!)  Before you begin today, spend a moment in silence. Clear your thoughts; then focus on your relationship with your husband and your relationship with Christ.  Pray that this week God will open your eyes to ways that you can pray for your husband.
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Since we are taking a whole chapter approach, we will be skipping around a bit. Today I'd like to re-glance at verse 1 as it is perfect for opening up our study as a 'husband study'. Verse one says, 

The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.
Your husband is actually king in your home. So if I were to apply that verse to my home, then I might say, "Jerry's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord..." 

Let's open our study this week on the right foot. Are you giving your husband the respect he deserves as the authoritative leader? I don't want to go any further today. It is important that we begin by examining our relationships with our husband and praying for that relationship. 

Oh, and each day I will give you one idea of something you can do for your husband that day. Today you can tell him how glad you are that you are married to him!



  1. Hey, Snoodles. I just got all the posts written. You can pick up with Chapter 22 starting on the 30th. Thanks!

  2. Ohhh, I like this. I like this a lot! I'm looking forward to the week of study. Thank you both for all your hard work in writing these posts!

  3. great post. no respect for husbands is why lots of marriages are in trouble. I will be sure to tell my hubby how glad I am that I married him.

  4. Thanks to the both of you for your hard work. I might not post very often, but do appreciate your hard work.

    I think my husband (and most) don't get the praise they need/deserve. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Thanks to the both of you for your hard work. I might not post very often, but do appreciate your hard work.

    I think my husband (and most) don't get the praise they need/deserve. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Hey there, Tonya! This is a great idea....sometimes a new approach is very refreshing! This is a good lesson today. Thank you so much for your dedication to this study. :)


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