Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Prayer requests, day 2

Yesterday we were looking at the first chapter of Philippians, and talking about some steps that Paul told us would be helpful in our prayers. We're talking about prayers for salvation and for renewal of relationship in believers. We noted that we first need to be thankful for what He has done in our friends and loved ones' lives, then to remember that God will complete His work in their lives -- and that we need to mentally hand over the reins to Him. Lastly, we discussed the fact that both we (the praying peeps) and they (the peeps being prayed for) are on the same footing: we are both in need of God's grace.

Now we are ready to actually address the needs of our loved ones! Here is what Paul says:
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, 10 so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,11 filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.
Now we can begin to pray for what we think they need.  We know what they need, right? That's why we got on our knees.....
Here's the thing: what we think they need is often different from what God knows they need. Check out those verses up there. Paul wasn't praying that the Philippians would have sweet, cushy lives here on earth. He wasn't praying for the fun and the easy. He wasn't even addressing any specific needs that he was aware of -- any health needs or financial, or stuff like that.
Paul was praying that their love would abound more an more; that they would increase in knowledge and discernment, and that they would be pure and filled with the fruits of righteousness. We've studied some of these concepts previously; in its simplest definition, discernment is just the ability to decide what is truth and what is error -- what's right and what's wrong. Knowledge, as we have studied before, is based on God's Word and following His ways to receive wisdom from Him:
For the Lord gives wisdom;From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; (Proverbs 2:6)
Purity -- so many things tied up in that package -- to be morally clean. Not just in the meaning of sexual purity, but purity of mind and heart, too. Our speech, our conduct, our thoughts . . .
Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe. (I Timothy 4:12)
And then Paul prays for them to have the fruit of righteousness in Christ. He wants to see all of them overflowing with the results of a Christ-filled life. In other letters he details love, kindness, patience, long-suffering, and more. He encourages the reaching out to witness to others. All of these are the fruit that he prays his listeners (or readers) will have.
What an example for us as we pray for our loved ones. What a great standard for us to achieve as we pray for our friends. To ask God for these things in addition to our requests for health, for healing, and more.
Is this a hard one for us to handle? It can be. I know; I'm experiencing this right now, as some others are, too. I just want to cry out to Him (and I do, and I cry) to "fix this!" and "now!" But I know in my heart that it isn't up to me. He wants what is best for them, too. And I find it easier to handle when I remember that what is happening in my loved one's life can serve to advance the gospel. It can bring the kingdom nearer, both in the world and in their own lives. Let's look at three more verses:
12 Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. 13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.
Paul has certainly received wisdom from God. In these verses, he is talking about how his own trials - his beatings, his imprisonment, and more - are serving to advance the gospel. What do we mean "advance"? Not just "move forward," but to "aid the growth and progress of."
I just bet that sometimes Paul received letters from friends; maybe even family would write or send messages. His mom might have sent word that she was worried about him . . . Paul was saying, "It's OK. These trials will advance the gospel. It will grow. More people will know our Lord."
I can't say that I've received the measure of wisdom that Paul had; but it helps me to remember that trials can bring our Christian loved ones CLOSER to God and help to teach and mature them. Trials can bring our un-saved loved ones TO God. Perhaps if we try to keep that in our focus, it will help us deal with what they are going through.

In verses fifteen through part of eighteen, Paul inserts a message about some who have preached of Christ for impure motives. That's a passage for another day - let's skip down to the latter half of eighteen, and then verse nineteen:
Yes, and I will continue to rejoice, 19 for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.
Paul gives us encouragement here, in a ringing endorsement of the power of prayer and the work of the Spirit. We may not be able to do everything that we would like to do, what we long to do, to help our loved ones. There's no magic here, whether "real" or imaginary. We can't snap our fingers (or wiggle our noses) and have all of our loved ones' problems disappear and have them turn to Christ in wholehearted relationship. But we can pray for them, and we can know that it makes a difference. Paul says "I know" that this "will turn out for my deliverance."

Intercessory prayer is a privilege. I'm honored every day to join folks in prayer for their loved ones and their friends. God uses our prayers for the good of the ones that we love. We may not know exactly how the Lord works, but we don't need to! All we need to know is that God asks us to pray and somehow our prayers affect things - not just in the lives of the ones we are praying for, but also in our own lives.

Are we praying for loved ones who are not yet saved? I found this article to be both helpful and inspiring, and I would encourage you to utilize the "praying the Scripture" tips at the bottom. I researched this pastor and I feel he is a good resource.

Are we praying for saved loved ones who need to get closer to God? To renew their relationship? I think the key here is to treat a sheep that knows the shepherd and knows His voice, like the sheep in Matthew - go and try to find them, and coax them back! I've always thought the rhyme about Bo-peep was just terrible....leave them alone and they will come home! Nonono! Reach out to the friend or the loved one. Tell them of your love and your concern. And pray and pray. They may tell us to "buzz off." That's OK. Respect their wishes if they say they don't want to hear more.....but NEVER stop praying!
After asking God to reach out to His stray child, let's pray that the back-slidden one will have the ability to receive God's grace. What do I mean? Well, they may have truly gone astray and done things that they are sorely ashamed of.  Pray that they will be able to accept God's forgiveness, and then they would be able to forgive themselves. They may not feel worthy of His taking them back; ask the Spirit to comfort their hearts and to woo them.
If there is something in our loved one's life that is taking the place of God -- and yes, this is a tough one -- pray that it would be removed from their life. Pray that a spiritual hunger will be felt, and they will remember what it was like when they were in fellowship with God.
Pray one of the verses that promises we can expect our Father to "hedge about" and protect believers from the devil.
It make take many years. Or it could happen tomorrow.
Many, many years, possibly.
But God promises He will hear and will answer.
Today, as we close this two-day study, let's get on our knees and pray for our loved ones. Won't you join me?

(To those precious people who have asked me to pray with them for the salvation of a loved one, or for one who is back-slidden, please rest assured that you and your dear ones are in my prayers each day. I thank all of you who have, in turn, lifted up my loved ones that I'm praying for.  Let us not grow weary.....)

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