Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Prayer requests

So many things to do . . .
Housecleaning, laundry, meal prep, meal cleanup. Outside job, grocery shopping, errands to run. Church services, discipleship training, devotion time, ministry. Encouraging loved ones and friends, comforting, chastising, and more. Praying. Always praying.

When we really stop and think about the big picture, the most vital things that we should all be focused on are our eternal salvation and our relationship with the Lord. We have a limited amount of time here on this earth.
All the money we will ever make, all the possessions we will buy, and all of the successes we will have will mean nothing if we don't accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior before we die and depart this life.

Not one bit of the money we will make, and none of our possessions will be going with us to the other side. No suitcases will need to be packed on our deathbed. The only things that will cross over when we die will be our souls and our spirits. Everything else will be left behind.

I hate to tell somebody this if they've been hanging on to this hope, but there won't be any reincarnation to get another chance and try again. We only have this one chance in the eternal scheme of things. One life in which to accept His gift.
It's true that God has a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. As we travel on this incredible journey each day to fulfill whatever God is calling us to do, we must never ever forget -- our radars need to be up to either witness to someone who is not yet saved -- or to pray to God for someone's salvation if we can't witness to them directly.

It's so powerful, and so important for parents to keep praying for their children. For children to keep praying for their parents. For friends to keep on praying for their friends. No matter how far off the track they may seem to be, and no matter how hopeless the situation may appear.

Pray for them as the Holy Spirit leads . . . it may be many years. Some people literally get saved on their death beds. Our direct, heartfelt, personal prayers to God are important. I don't think that we can "pray too much" or bug or pester God. I believe that we can request that He move in a mighty way to save them. We can ask for His Spirit to call out to them. I could be needing instruction in this area, but I believe that God can be moved and touched by our continued prayers.

You see, I don't believe there would be so many verses encouraging us to pray if it didn't have some effect! I don't think God requires us to do anything just for the sake of doing it. I think our prayers can influence outcomes.
True, God knows the end from the beginning. He knows everything in between, as well. In other words, He not only knows the outcome of a situation; He also knows how that outcome will be reached. He knows in advance if we'll pray for a particular outcome or not.....

Many times as a battle was beginning, we read that God told His people, "I have given the enemy into your hands." But they still had to take up arms and fight! God knew that they would fight, and because of that, He fought with them to ensure the victory He had promised.

God is not content that any should die without Him.
Let's not give up.
Keep praying.
Keep asking Him to do what He's promised, to save our loved ones and friends. To save that stranger that we met today.

That the world might know......

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