Thursday, December 12, 2019

Your turn to speak

In the last two weeks, we have done a deep dive into the third chapter of Nehemiah. I'd like to hear from you today -- I really like these opportunities to hear from my fellow Bible study teammates!

Today, let's think about this question. If you have time, leave a comment with your thoughts on this:

Ezra was a godly leader, but he didn't get the wall built. We can see it was alright for him to focus on other areas and leave the walls to Nehemiah.  How can we, as believers, know where in God's purpose we ought to serve?

We've had some good discussions before; I hope you will have the opportunity to leave a comment about this question.

1 comment:

  1. That's a difficult question! When I was young I wanted to be a vicar's wife! :-) I thought I would be good at serving the Lord in this way. Well, that didn't happen! It was obviously not His plan for me. However, as I grew older I did many things and went to many different parts of the world. It is only now, looking back, I realise that while I was wondering how God could use me, he was actually using me in my everyday life. His purpose for us all I think is to serve Him daily in our sometimes humdrum lives, as we can never know when we will be a lifeline for someone in sharing a kind word here or a helping hand there. Some people, like King David, are anointed by God from a young age for a specific purpose, and this is true today e.g. Billy Graham. Most of us will not be called to serve in that way, but all of us are called to be committed to Him, whatever! Hope that makes sense.


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