Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Discussion - your turn!

This week I am going to give all of us more to think about. . .

I know that we all carry on busy lives, so I'm going to post some questions today, and a couple tomorrow, too. I'd like to encourage us all to consider the questions and search our Bibles and our hearts before we leave our answers. I heard from someone a couple of weeks ago who said she had been especially blessed by an answer left here -- it made her think and it gave her peace about a subject that had troubled her.

Doesn't that make your heart sing, to know that someone has been blessed? The widow who gave her two "mites" at the temple may not have known how her action would bless so many . . . so put in your "two cents worth" today and know that God can use your addition to the discussion in amazing ways!

First, if we are not the studious type, if we are not a "bookworm," how can we develop a hunger to read and study God's Word?

Secondly, how can we guard ourselves from the spiritual pride that often accompanies knowledge? I Corinthians 8:1b tells us a clue:
Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
What do you think?

I look forward to seeing your thoughts here . . .


  1. I was thinking of my grandad who was a simple Cornish fisherman. He had very little education, but he loved the Lord with all his heart. The only Bible he read was the KJV and he could quote long passages which he learned by heart. He wasn't studious and he definitely wasn't a bookworm, but he managed somehow to understand the message of the Bible. I think what it comes down to is desire to seek the Lord and as we can find Him in the pages of the Bible then it should be a joy to read and study it.

    The second question is harder to answer, but from my own experience I have found that the closer we get to the Lord the less proud we become. Spiritual pride could I think come from not understanding what the Lord has done for us.

    That verse in Corinthians says it all. Christian knowledge needs to be bathed in love, otherwise it's heartless. Conversely love without knowledge is rudderless and without context. I do hope that makes some sense!!!

    1. It does to me, Your last paragraph is something near what I would have written had I been here to do so. I read it...left for an appointment ad didn't make it back though I saved this page to do so.


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