Thursday, April 7, 2022

Your turn to speak!

Even after the pandemic has passed, our readership has decreased . . . I know that some of us have more than one job; some have family issues that they must tend to; others are recovering from illnesses themselves.

I pray each day for those who pause here to read; I know that all of us are burdened and busy - it may be that no one has time to answer these questions! 
And that is OK!

I'm honored that some still stop by here and make this a part of their day. In the past, I would post questions and ask readers to post thoughtful answers. I thought I would try that once more, and see if anyone wanted to share their thoughts.

I spoke just today with a lady who told me of a missions trip that she traveled on, and how it changed her ways of thinking. She observed people who had far fewer material blessings, but still led cheerful, spiritual lives. She said that when she got home, she was struck by how much more "stuff" people have in America, and her purchasing and giving habits both changed! She gave much more to missions, because she was spending less on "stuff"!!

What are your thoughts? Should we wait to give our offerings to missions until we feel we have "enough" of God's blessings, or is giving one way to experience His blessing? And how do we determine how much to give to missions and missionaries?

If anyone has a moment to answer, please leave a comment. You may help someone with your answer.

Thank you.


  1. Jacque, you are a part of my day. I can't imagine not having your study here. I have pointed others to it as well. To answer you question, I agree that giving is one way to experience His blessings. One way of many.

  2. You are part of my day as well. Giving is one way to experience the Lord's blessings.

  3. I’m still here and following along the studies although not commenting as often as I used to. When the pandemic hit and day cares were shut down in our country we took on the responsibility of looking after our grand daughter full time while her parents worked. That cut down on time for most everything. She is now in school 3 days a week, so we now only have her the other 2, unless there is a school closure due to weather, which happens frequently here in the winter. Now, on to your question, or my view on it at least. I think giving is a discipline. It has to be planned for and thought about and prayed about. We have to look at our habits and our lives and how we spend what God has given us. We have to look at whether we are being good stewards with what He’s given us and check for waste and unnecessary expenditures. It’s very easy to look at the end of the month and realize there is nothing left and so give nothing. It is much harder to go through a month or two, watching our spending and decide on what can be cut in order to enable us to give. I don’t think the old testament 10% tithe necessarily applies. Paul said we should each decide in our own hearts what to give. Often times just the desire to give and the looking closely at spending habits frees up more than enough to be able to give to whatever of His works He directs us too, beginning with our local church and branching out from there.


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