For years it has been taught by many that to be saved all you have to do is believe that Jesus is God's son who died for our sins, then pray a "sinner's prayer" asking forgiveness for sins, and you will be saved. But even the demons believe Christ is God's Son (James 2:19) and the fact is there is no "sinner's prayer" represented in the Scriptures.
Ephesians 2:8-9 says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." I could write pages and list hundreds of Scriptures related to salvation, but it boils down to faith, the faith gloriously imparted to us by God through the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, for our sins. Christ Himself represents this truth in Luke 7:40-50. But if you want a road map, follow the Roman road:
Romans 3:23 - Recognize your need for a Savior, not a good life.
Romans 6:23 - Anyone who dies without Christ goes to hell. It's that simple. The Gospel is not a promise for prosperity or easier times or a solution to problems.
Romans 5:8 - God gave His Son to save us from hell. Christ took upon Himself the punishment we deserve for our sin and depravity.
Romans 10:9-13 - Here's the bottom line. Yes, if the Lord has saved you and the Holy Spirit has filled you, you will definitely pray to God asking His forgiveness and praising Him for your salvation. But there is no magic formula or certain words or method to the prayer. Some may cry and some may laugh with joy, but praising God is what will occur.
Simply call upon the Lord to save your soul from an eternity in hell and follow the Lord Jesus with every step (Galatians 5:22-25). That's the "plan of salvation."
Tonya was struggling with what words to use to get her point across and called upon her husband for help. Jerry is a retired Ordained minister; he has a Master's degree and he's a graduate from Midwestern Theological Seminary. He wrote the above for us.