Thursday, November 2, 2017

I Peter 1:22-25

Last time we focused on how to "love one another" as Peter instructed us in verse 22. Today we will finish out the chapter by drilling into the last several verses:

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart. 23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. 24 For,“All people are like grass,    and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;the grass withers and the flowers fall,     but the word of the Lord endures forever.”And this is the word that was preached to you. (I Peter 1:22-25)

Peter says "love one another, for you have been born again," and then there's that awesome and amazing word, "imperishable."
It's as if he is telling us the WHY for love one another, am I right?  The very first reason is that God loved us. The second reason is that our lives are eternal (imperishable), and we'd love to share that with everyone. Peter brings us back around to the thoughts that he started his letter with: our identities are wrapped up in and defined by being born again in Jesus. As born-again believers, we have a whole different perspective on life, and on what's important (and what is not).

Showing love to everyone, including the unlovely, seems like a waste of time to unbelievers. It seems to take too long, take too much effort, and give too little in rewards.

But as believers, we think differently. The time that some people would spend on the things of this world can be used for loving others. We don't cling to "stuff."  Or "things." We realize that it's our final destiny to occupy eternity with Jesus, so the things unbelievers strive for as not as desirable. Fame? Way overrated..... when we get to heaven, we won't be worried about being famous, we'll be happy to be with our Lord. Purchasing vast properties and houses and buildings here on earth? Not to worry, Revelation says the old world is going to pass away.  Spending huge sums on cars, and motorcycles, and boats, and jewelry, and other toys? Kinda pointless since we can't take it with us.

Of course, we need to make certain that we and our families are cared for, and provided for. But getting for the sake of tick marks on a tally sheet? Naaaaah. Use that time for loving one another. Doing what Christ would have us do for others.

Another way we think differently is that we aren't afraid of death. Nope. But, but, it's the great unknown. The vast beyond. It's scary. Not really. It is often painful, that is true. And it can be sad, both for the person passing, and those left behind. But. I. Am. Not. Scared. And that is after a couple of years of having close family members pass, and other members close to passing. After many days and nights of pondering, and praying, I'm now praising.
My soul is safe and secure. Even now, and then also when I die, my soul is in the arms of the Almighty, the Creator of the universe. He spoke worlds and stars and dinosaurs into existence, and He has promised me that I have nothing to be afraid of -- because if I'm absent from my physical body, I am ABSOLUTELY without a doubt in the presence of my Savior!

So, where are we now? We don't need to put highest priority on cars and toys that rust. Or on houses that can crumble or be torn down. Or on money that can lose its value. We don't need to think building our business is our highest priority, putting blood and sweat and tears into it -- it can get run into the ground by whoever comes after us. (I've seen that happen more than once.) Photographs can fade or disappear behind a couch. I'm guessing that if we really put our noggins to it, everything on this earth is perishable.
Except one thing.
Our souls.
Our souls begin at our conception, and are fashioned uniquely by our Father God.  Our minds may fade, and our bodies lose their vitality, but our souls remain even after death.
That is what makes us realize that our highest priority is to love one another. And to tell others of God's love.

Peter sure packed a lot into this first chapter, didn't he? (Grin)
I can't wait to see what he has for us next!


  1. And YOU packed a lot into this offering to us today. It is just right for me and I hope each person who reads it. I was born again some years ago, and many many things of the world fell from me. Those certain chains are broken. However, there are other things that need constant attention and prayer that I have recently become aware of and was unable to see my way out.

    In trying to free myself from a heavy burden, I reached out for help one morning while I was walking. That help was immediately forthcoming, and the solution of laying it at Jesus's feet and asking Him to take that burden from me was, of course, spot on. He did. I no longer carry that burden. I could not see that for trying. It took a Sister in Christ to listen lovingly and guide me to the natural solution. I am forever grateful.

  2. Yes, we should always be taken up with what is imperishable. I know that I fall down on that daily as I try to preserve and build on that which is perishing. Silly me! As Katie Isabella says above, we can help each other focus on the most important things and also pray for each other when we have stumbling blocks in our way.


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