Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Prayer requests

These are turbulent times. 
Some of us have said we are wary of turning on the news. Or listening to the radio.
Some of us can't stop looking and listening.
The unrest has us jittery.  Stressed. Wondering if it can happen "in our neighborhood."
What's the best thing that we can do?
Show love and mercy?
Of course.
Show respect and dignity?
And we must remember to spend time in prayer, talking to the One Who can calm this unrest. The One Who can protect us in these times.

Our hearts go out to those who are in need of comfort, encouragement, and hope. May they feel the effects of the prayers of believers and may God's love be shown to them by caring people of mercy. Let neighbors, religious leaders, first responders, and medical workers show them grace.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate,
    slow to anger and rich in love.

The Lord is good to all;
    he has compassion on all he has made. (Psalm 145:8-9)

We pray for justice. We pray for those who are our leaders; we ask God to guide them and give them wisdom. We pray for those who enforce our laws; we ask Him to protect those who stand in harm's way to protect us. 
How blessed are those who keep justice,
Who practice righteousness at all times! (Psalm 106:3)
We pray that God will create places of refuge for those affected by this time of unrest. We pray for the children, the ill, and the elderly. We ask that He would show us those around us who need our help and encouragement, so that we can be God's hands and feet in this time.
God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)
We ask that He will bless our hearts and our country with peace, and that factions will sit down and talk about solutions instead of shouting past one another.

If you would like to leave a comment noting a prayer request or a praise, please feel free to share in the comment section below.

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