Monday, November 23, 2020

God has also revealed Himself in His Word (Ps. 19)

In last week's studies, we noted that God has revealed Himself in the world He created. There are many evidences for us to see, and it doesn't take a specialized education, either! 

This week, we will see from Psalm 19 that He has revealed Himself in His Word, too:

The law of the LORD is perfectrestoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is suremaking wise the simple
The precepts of the LORD are rightrejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pureenlightening the eyes
The fear of the LORD is cleanenduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether
They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine goldSweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb
Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward. (v. 7-11)
This is such a beautiful section of Hebrew poetry . . . the scholars tell us that David made use of parallelism here, but I just call it beautiful and inspiring. (Grin)
But it is kind of neat to look at the verses and pick out the parallels . . . see how in the verses we are focused on, there are six synonyms for God's Word?
Law, testimony, precepts, commandment, fear (the response of a reverent heart), and judgement. What do they all have in common?
God doesn't come up quietly behind us and tap us lightly on the shoulder, "Excuse me, but I'd like to suggest that you incorporate my point of view into your own?" And He doesn't whisper when He tells us how we are to live. 
And bless your heart, if you think that He actually gave us the "Ten Suggestions on How to Become a Better You and Live Your Best, Most Prosperous Life Now."   I know, I know, right? We hear that from some leaders, who shell out a get-rich-and-never-be-sick-but-always-be-happy, turn-on-the-spigot-of-blessings shallow gospel to their listeners. 
I'm here to tell you: God doesn't mumble, and He doesn't mince words - and we had better listen to what He says! He HAS redeemed us. He WILL bless us. He WILL protect us. But it doesn't say anywhere in the Bible that it's gonna be easy! 

OK. I will climb down off my soapbox now. Back to the fact that all of those words mean "authority." We do live in a culture that abhors authority. Do you own thing, do what feels good . . . these are more fun than surrendering to Christ, they say.  And some believers will try to excuse their sin by saying, "We are not under the Law anymore!"   
Excuse me?
Have y'all read your New Testament? (Grin) Each of the commandments is repeated there, with the one exception being the Sabbath. And there are some punishments listed, too. Just check out Matthew 7 and Galatians 5 when you have a chance, OK? God's Word is authoritative.

It's also able to meet our needs - abundantly. See up there where it says "perfect, restoring the soul"? Paul says in II Timothy 3 that the Word will make us thoroughly equipped (perfectly ready) for every good work. David also says it will "make wise the simple." For us to receive God's wisdom, we must humble ourselves. If we set aside our pride and our human wisdom, we can receive the wisdom of God's Word. 
"Rejoicing the heart." God doesn't want to burden us with solemnity; He doesn't want to suck all the fun out of our lives.  His Word will bless us with real joy in every situation of life, if we will follow it. 
It "enlightens the eyes." We won't stumble and fall into every trap that Satan has set for us. 
God's Word is better than gold or honey -- better than money or good eats -- since it has real value in this life and the life to come.
God's Word is able. It can meet every need of human hearts, no matter how or why they are hurting. Kinda makes ya sad to see the Christians in this world chasing after modern psychology, when we have such an abundant source of wisdom and comfort in the Word . . . 

Now, let's look at the adjectives that David uses in these verses. I remember Mrs. Markham in school, drilling us that "adjectives are words that describe other words." So, here is our list: perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, and true. If there seem to be any errors in His Word, it's because we don't yet fully understand - not because the Word is inaccurate! We can trust God and trust His Word to guide our lives rightly. 

David also says that God's Word "endures forever." It applies to every culture, in every era, and to every person. No shifting sands, here! We won't be tossed around by every wind of new doctrines that humans come up with, if we immerse ourselves in God's Word.
Lastly, in verse eleven, David says that we "are warned" by God's Word. Sometimes when we read our Bible, the Spirit uses the Word just like a piece of sandpaper on a piece of unfinished wood! It's abrasive, is what it is! Instead of saying, "good kid," the Word says, "you are wrong and you need to change!" God's Word will confront us with our mistakes and sins. But it's all for our benefit.  David says there is great "reward." 

Let's study more on this next time!


  1. This is a good one! Looking forward to it.

  2. I love it when you get on your soap box! I'm going "Yes, YES, YESSS!!


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