Thursday, November 19, 2020

The evidence is conclusive


We studied yesterday that God has revealed Himself in the world He created. Like David said in Psalm 19, we can see His handiwork in the skies and down here below.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (v. 1)
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

Peter tells us, too, in his second letter that "by the word of God the....heavens existed ....and the earth was formed...." (II Peter 3:5) 

There's all kinds of evidence of God's glory in His creation! 
The peeps with more knowledge of the Hebrew language than I, say that the word "glory" in verse one comes from a word meaning "weight" or "worth." Well, the evidence is abundant, telling us of God's weight or worth when we look at His creation. The sun in its splendor and the stars sparkling at night tell about the God Who simply spoke them into existence.

And yet, some humans ignore the revelation of God they can see. It's not because of a lack of evidence wherever they happen to be: verses three and four tell us that even though His creation cannot speak and doesn't use words, the word has gone out across our world. The message extends everywhere! 
No, the reason why people don't see the evidence is a moral one, not intellectual, and not a lack of education. Paul put it this way: they "suppress the truth in their wickedness." (Romans 1:18, NIV)

Later in that chapter, he writes:
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their reasonings, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:20-22, NASB)
I guess we can say that the unbelieving hearts do not want to ADmit that there is a God; nor do they want to SUBmit to Him and let Him be Lord of their lives. Here's what I mean: the evidence is there, and it matters not in the least if we are highly educated or not. We don't have to be able to even read to understand God's revelation in our world. The skies and the earth speak with unwritten words to everyone! In fact, it may be that the more we are educated in the theories of proud and unbelieving man, the harder it is to see God in creation. Anybody can look at the awesomeness and complexity of creation and conclude there is a creator -- that's the ADmit part. But then, if you ADmit there is an almighty Creator, it follows that we must SUBmit to His leading of our lives. And that is where many people just don't want to go.
That is why people cling to their theories of "Big Bang" and the millions of years of evolution. It's more palatable to them to string together ideas that strain the bounds of credulity, than to bow the knee to our Father God, Who only wants to bless them with eternal life and love.

Yes, God is love. And David's psalm tells us more about our loving God.  
"The heavens declare" His glory . . . they certainly do point to the infinite power of God! One of my favorite things to do on clear evenings is to go outside and stargaze. From a quilt in the back of our pickup truck, we can see countless stars and, when we are lucky, we see planets, comets, and even the international space station. (Grin) The scientists tell us that our galaxy contains more than one hundred billion stars - I can't even begin to imagine. The numbers on the size of our galaxy are also challenging to understand. Since God simply spoke all of this into existence, that tells us about His amazing power!

The sun "rises....and makes its circuit" each and every day since God told it to. God is consistent and faithful, just like the sun. It rises in the east every morning and sets in the west every evening. God is to be counted on to keep His Word - He never fails.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
God is radiant just as the sun is; David compares the sun first to a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, full of expectation, exuberance, and joy. The sun rising in the eastern sky, painting the heavens with an infinite array of color, is just a picture of the splendor of our God. He dwells in unapproachable light and we cannot look on His splendor yet.
David next compares the sun to a "champion." An athlete ready and waiting, "rejoicing" to run. An athlete who has prepared and grown swift and strong. The sun "runs" its course every day, giving life-sustaining warmth and light to our world. Our Father is consistently strong in our behalf.
Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid;
For the Lord God is my strength and song,
And He has become my salvation. (Isaiah 12:2)
Lastly, just as the sun's rays shine everywhere upon the earth and nothing is hidden from its light and heat, so God is everywhere, too. He is omnipresent (He declares to us "I will be with you." No matter where, and no matter when) and omniscient (He has infinite awareness, understanding, and insight). He will search for us and He knows all there is to know about us. There is no "getting away from" God!
Where can I go from Your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from Your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, You are there;
If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there.
 If I take up the wings of the dawn,
If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea,
Even there Your hand will lead me,
And Your right hand will take hold of me. (Psalm 139:7-10)

We humans can choose not to see it, but the evidence is everywhere - in the skies, here on the earth - that God is a God of glory, power, and love.

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