Tuesday, December 1, 2020

An effective prayer list, conclusion


The last two times we had a post on prayer, we discussed having a prayer list, and we mentioned several categories. Here is our first post, and here is a link to the second one.

Now, the categories that I listed are only a start. Your set of categories may be amazingly different, because you have a different focus in your life. Your situation may be completely different. Your list won't look like mine. (Grin)

But it's still a good idea to have that list. It helps us to keep our prayer time focused. There are going to be different things in each category that we want to pray for. For example, in our thanksgiving or gratitude grouping, we may have a lot of different reasons to praise Him. Instead of using each of them every day, pick one or two to focus on. Really drill down and think about those two, and why they are important to you. What would life be like without them? Then truly pray in thanksgiving for those things, and the next day choose two that are different.

This helps our prayer time not be stagnant or stale. It keeps us from sounding like a child who chants a memorized prayer! It also keeps us from feeling like our prayer time is going to "go on forever." Instead of praying every day for the same things, we use our categories (you did write them down, didn't you?) to zero in on blessings and people and needs. We pray thoughtfully and well. We pray effectively.

Again, I'm not saying these are rules you must follow; these are simply suggestions from my prayer life and notebook that may be of some small help to you. I choose one or two things from each of my categories - with the exception being if I know of some great need that a friend or loved one has mentioned to me, I will add that in -- this keeps my prayers fresh and helps me remember things more easily, too. 

Lastly, for me it's important to keep a notebook with my prayer list and notes. Each category can have its own page, or share a page with another. Under each category, people's names or ministries or needs can be listed. As we pray for each item, we can place some kind of mark next to it -- and here is the exciting part: we can cross off items as the Lord answers, and make a note in our "thanksgiving" category so that we remember to be grateful for those answers!

It can be encouraging and inspiring to go back over our pages occasionally, maybe every two months. See what the Lord has done and give Him the glory! It's a chance to freshen the page, too, if it needs it, or start another if we have made too many marks or notes. 

Yes, I know, I have described a system that works for me because I'm "old school." But you can also keep your prayer list on your phone or tablet! Prayer Mate is one, and there are others like Echo, Ora, and Prayer Notes. Each of these seem to be easy to use and add notes and requests to. Some have the ability to send you a text that reminds you of your prayer time!

Creating and maintaining a journal or prayer list takes self-discipline, but the benefits are many. It can be a tool we rely on to keep our prayers focused, and our prayer time fresh. We can be people who other believers count on -- we can pray faithfully and effectively.

If you have a suggestion for our prayer lists, or if you have a request, I hope you will leave a comment and let us know.

1 comment:

  1. Although I'm "old school" like you lol - though I guess what I mean is, I'm just old - I love technology and use it to great effect, even in my Christian walk.


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