Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Your turn to speak

We've camped out for a while here in Psalm 36.

David told us first that he had a message for the sinful - he told us about how the devil uses sin to flatter people. Sin makes them think that they really aren't all that bad, and it becomes something that they lie awake at night and plan how to pursue the sin the next day!

Then David reminded us to reverence the Lord. He told us of the delightfulness of God: His immense love for us, His faithfulness, and His justice. He spoke of the abundance of blessings that God gives to us -- love, protection, and abundant provisions for life.

Truly, when we seek God and work to have an intimate, daily relationship with Him, we will find delight in our walk with Him.

I would like to ask a question today and if you have time to answer, please think about leaving a comment for all of us to learn from . . . 

What can we do to help a believer whose interest in the Christian walk has cooled?

I'd like to hear your thoughts if you feel led to leave an answer. 

1 comment:

  1. I wish I knew! There have been several occasions when I have known and cared for such persons. I had found that testimony isn't always an answer. It can be; but one must pray more to know the path to take.


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