Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Preparations, Part I

There are some events and times in our lives that it truly pays to be prepared. Brides and their moms go nuts about upcoming weddings. Birthday bashes sometimes have more choreography than a Broadway show. And Christmas is no exception.

If you didn't know it already, it's time to prepare for Christmas. It's time to bake the cookies and cook the fudge. It's time to check the lights on the tree, put it up, and get it decorated just so. It's time to hang a wreath on the door and make certain the outdoor lights are all twinkling. It's time to go through the list, address the cards, and mail them to the folks that send us cards each year. Don't forget to help with the letter to Santa, hang up the stockings, shop for presents and get them wrapped, tied, and tagged. You'll also need to get to choir practice, sing the songs, and practice the Christmas play or cantata. Somewhere in there you'll travel to see some family and friends, and cook a meal or two for those who will visit at your own home. Are you tired yet?

Is it any wonder that some of us feel like there are more headaches than hallelujahs in Christmas? Could it be that in the midst of the hustle and bustle of preparations, we've not taken the time to prepare our hearts for His coming?

In Isaiah 40, verse 3, the prophet says, "…prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God."  He's not talking about a engineering or construction project, but instead he is talking about preparing our hearts for the coming of our Lord.

In the coming days I'd like to discuss this with you all, and I hope that you will read and comment as we prepare for this wonderful season of the year. See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. This is always a hot topic this time of year. Do we really truly realize that this is about Jesus? And about family? Or do we get so caught up in the chaos that we don't even catch a glimpse of the real meaning behind it all?

    This year has been a little strange for me. For one, I've decorated more than I ever have before. I've really been into that. Two, I always have a list. Sort of like Santa, I check it twice...well more than twice. This year, no real list. I've been pretty haphazard.

    Our extended family gathering has already been, so there isn't a big push for that, and my immediate family is pretty small so no big demands there. Due to in-laws (and outlaws *grin*) it will be the Saturday before Christmas Day. Which makes me feel like I just HAVE to do SOMETHING on the 25th. There is a part of me that thinks, "I could really take that day and worship. Read the Word, pray, relax and meditate." And there is that part of me that says... no she yells, "NAH!!! It's Christmas Day!" So, I'll probably try to do both. Somehow. :)

    Anyhow, I really do need to make a list, making sure that everyone has the same amount of gifts under the tree. That's my biggest burden every year. I don't want anyone to feel they've been slighted. :/

    In closing.... I know it's been a long comment...I very much enjoy the family time, and watching my loved ones open their gifts. I love giving them things. I enjoy the Christmas music and the excitement. But I sadly do not focus on the most important thing, not nearly enough. My bad.


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