Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday slowdown

Our studies this week have touched on the hatred and persecution that we Christians must be ready and willing to suffer for our Lord. I could not find this hymn in a video, so I have included the words here. Blessings to all who stop, read, and ponder.
Father, in the name of Jesus,
hear our prayer for those in pain:
Scattered through the hostile nations
many suffer for Your name.
You have promised to Your people
opposition from the world.
Now sustain them, yes, protect them
by the truth found in Your Word.
Satan uses persecution
to instil a frightening fear,
threatening to destroy the body,
telling them that death is near.
Give them courage, noble courage,
never to deny Your name.
In the footsteps of the martyrs
may they spread abroad Your fame.
Raise up leaders in Your Church, Lord, 
people of integrity,
who will lead by their example
as You, Lord, want us to be.
May Your people in each nation
work in loving harmony.
Change the hearts of the oppressors,
break the yoke of tyranny.
Words: Hugh G Wetmore (c) 1999 (written for the annual International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church)

1 comment:

  1. This has been a good week for this study! Thanks for your hard work! And thank you everyone who prayed for Michael Cowger.


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