Thursday, January 22, 2015

John 16:16-33 He has all that we need

Remember when we started this week's study?
Remember Jack?

Jack was hanging onto a small branch that he had grabbed, after he slipped off the trail he was following. He's been waiting there for us to continue his story. (Grin)

Jack has nowhere to go and thinks he might fall all the way down the ravine, to his death. He is yelling and yelling, "Help! Help me!"
He's about to give up hope when he hears a voice.

"Jack. Jack. Can you hear me?"
"Sure, I can hear you. I'm down here!"
"I can see you, Jack. Are you alright?"
"Yes, but . . . who are you, and where are you?"
"I'm the Lord, Jack. I'm everywhere."
"The Lord? You mean, God? Oh, God, please help me! I promise, if you'll let me down from here, I'll stop sinning. I'll be a really super-good person. I'll come to church every Sunday and I'll even volunteer at the church activities that my wife keeps asking me about."
"Easy on the promises, Jack," God says. "Let's just get you down from there and then we can talk. Now, here 's what I want you to do -- listen very carefully."
Jack says, "I'll do anything, Lord. Just tell me what to do."
"Okay. Let go of that branch."
Nothing happened.
God spoke again to Jack.
"Let go of the branch. Just trust me. Let go."
Silence again.
Finally Jack yelled, "Help, help! Is anyone else up there?"

I hope that you won't think that story is irreverent (and I'm indebted to Rev. Christopher Roberts for the story) because it truly illustrates a problem that we all have at one time or another.
It's difficult sometimes to trust God and let go, isn't it?
All that we need, God has. And He has promised to give it to us. But we have to trust Him.

                       Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your
                       own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)

                       As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher
                       than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
                       (Isaiah 55:9)

                       Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not
                      be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is
                      with you, wherever you go.  (Joshua 1:9)

                      You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you,
                      because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3)

Whatever it is that we need, God has. But we must trust Him. We can say that we want to know the will of God, but when we find out what it is, can we handle it? We may think it's too scary, or too difficult, and like Jack, we decide to look elsewhere.

God may challenge us to let go of something. It may be something that stands between us and God. He will challenge us to trust Him with our lives. And when we let go, and trust Him fully, we will find freedom and safety in His hands.  We will find that He has all that we need.


  1. Why is trust such a hard thing to do? I fear I would have reacted just like Jack. Not a comforting thought.

  2. Through great trial what with the three years of critical illness my son had, I have quite given over to Him. I have learned a lot as I have been nurtured and tested and grown. I trust Him. He knows I do. Now, with a bit of hesitation (I'm still human after all) , I would let go. Really. After all, He told me to. Who else can you trust of not Him?


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