Tuesday, May 30, 2017

What are we listening to, today?

As I sit here at my desk in the early morning hours, my spirit is refreshed by the cheerful songs and chatter of the birds just outside my window.

Some are true songbirds, seeming to throw an endless number of sweet sounds into the sky, with clear notes and recognizable calls. Just beautiful!

Some of them produce tones that are not so clear, but buzzy or raspy notes. They call out to each other to identify family, to warn of the squirrel intruding their peaceful morning, or to simply let others know of their existence. Still, they sound beautiful to me.

I enjoy the "symphony" that they all make, singing apart from each other, but somehow together.

I wonder what heaven will be like? I look forward to singing praise to God. I've not got the voice that I used to have, but my heart still overflows and I simply must let it out. Gratitude, joy, praise for His peace . . . the hymns and songs that I love the most are the ones that tell Him of my love and thankfulness for His care for me . . . I surely don't deserve His many blessings and the times He has intervened. Recently, I was told of a miraculous answer to prayer, and it both lifted my heart and moved me to tears! How honored I was to have been a tiny part of that blessing!

Can you sing? Are you a songbird, or a "raspy caller"? In His eyes, it doesn't matter -- He loves to hear us praise Him! Lift up your voice today and thank Him!


  1. I am a raspy caller. I love that description. It is so apt for me. I don't sing hardly at all any more as it is off tune somewhat. But I sure do say my praises. xx

  2. Scripture says to raise a “joyful noise” to the Lord. I’m in the noise category, but love to sing His praises, none the less.


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