Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Verses that inspire

Sometimes as we read our Bibles and ask the Spirit to guide us, we have an experience that is like finding a gate that is unlocked (we thought it was locked) and putting our hand on it, pushing it open and walking through.....

Anyone nodding their head here?

Recently someone asked me to pray with them. They were facing what seemed to be insurmountable obstacles, and running out of strength. As I prayed, my Bible opened to the prophet Zechariah, and the Lord's words about the city of Jerusalem.
And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within.’ (Zechariah 2:5)
I hope I won't be sacrilegious, but what if we take His words for Jerusalem, and apply them to ourselves, as believers, and as vessels in which the Lord lives each and every day?
Let's apply it to ourselves as women of God:

And I myself will be a wall of fire around her, declares the Lord, and I will be her glory within.

Obviously, I've changed the text, so I'm not highlighting it the way I usually do our verses.
But what an eye-opener!
What a blessing!
In other passages, He has promised to guard and protect us, and to live within us. Paul said that we don't glory in anything we've done, but only in what Christ does.
So I think those changes are OK.
And it really brings it home....makes a mental picture of the loving protection of God much more vivid.

Go your way today, child of God! There is a wall of fire around you to protect you! And God is your glory, within you!


  1. This particular study just courses through me like a strong clean wind. What strength, and what truth and what hope. I love every word and I am saving it.

  2. So glad that this has been useful and blessed you....


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