Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Placing God in the center of our lives, continued

Yep, that's an archery target.

Reminds me of junior high school physical education class. 
But I digress.

It needs to be our highest priority to place God in the center of our lives, just as an archer is going to strive to place the arrow tip right in the center of the yellow circle up there!

Psalm 63 is teaching us that seeking after God is our highest, most important priority in our lives. So far, David has told us in this psalm that a person who seeks God will have an inner satisfaction, a peace. This shepherd boy turned king puts it in very simple terms - satisfaction like after a wonderful meal. Great taste in his mouth, a full tummy, and a drowsy feeling of being totally satisfied.

Kind of an "all's right with the world" feeling!

The person who is seeking after God also has inner joy. Check this out:

I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.

Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.

But the king will rejoice in God;
    all who swear by God will glory in him,
    while the mouths of liars will be silenced. (vs 5,7,11)

I love the picturesque language of the stressed but serene king.

"Singing lips," singing in the "shadow of your wings," and the king who will "rejoice in God." Amen! 

David's joy wasn't based on where he was. On the run, far from his palace.

David's joy wasn't based on who he had for company. No wives or kids to chat and play with. Just army guys.

David's joy wasn't based on his creature comforts. He was in the middle of the wildest of lands, with very little to eat.

Nope, he didn't base his joy on his circumstances. His world was falling apart, but David had the Lord and His love. That meant he could sing and rejoice in God! There's no way to explain that except for the presence and comfort of God.

A person who is seeking to put God in the center of their life also has a remarkable inner strength. And it's not theirs, actually. God is their help. God is their strength.

Because you are my help,
    I sing in the shadow of your wings.
I cling to you;
    your right hand upholds me. (vs 7-8)

David could take shelter under God's "wing" just like a baby chick hides for protection under the mother hen's wing.  David had confidence in God's powerful hand holding him and sustaining him. 
David could be steady in the storm because he had a remarkable inner strength. The resource of God's strength.

Lord, help us to hold your strong hand in faith, and rely on the strength that you give us, because of your great love for us!


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