Thursday, February 3, 2022

Seeking after God, continued

We have all probably heard it said that there is a hole in every person that only God can fill.

It is a shape and a depth that only He can fill up. Some people refer to a vacuum in their life. It takes God to fill that life with meaning.

Seeking after God means that we will pursue Him to fill that hole in our lives.

That's probably where David was in Psalm 63. He was forced to flee the palace, to run away from his throne. He left all of his possessions and even his wives and children behind. One of his own sons was trying to find him and kill him. 

But in all of this, David wasn't seeking any of those things to fill the hole in his life. He didn't pray for God to give him back his wives. He didn't pray to have his palace and throne room restored. He didn't ask God to give him his kingdom back.


David's prayer was that he was seeking God; his soul thirsted for God; God's love is better than life, and more. Pretty amazing!

It's super easy to fill our lives with things other than God. 
And they may be good things! 
But they are not God, and as we saw in our previous psalm, God alone can satisfy our souls. As an example, many people fill their lives with family and friends. They make certain that they "are there" for whomever needs them, and they devote many hours to those relationships.

On Sunday, these folks give God an hour. Maybe two, if they go to Sunday School along with the worship time. 

Now, helping other people, and witnessing to them, and the friendships there are truly blessings from God. But we cannot fill that "God-shaped hole" in our lives with people. We need to spend time talking to Him and listening to Him.

Others try to fill their lives with possessions. Grab that catalog and pick out the latest and greatest technology! Go to the marina and choose the most fabulous boat! 

Still others may try to fill the vacuum with money. Or with a successful career. Again, if we keep those things in their place, that's fine. But they are not our top priority. They are not going to satisfy our souls. God alone can do that. To seek after Him means to pursue Him to fill our lives.

So far, David has encouraged us to seek after God; he's told us to have a personal relationship with Him and always desire to know Him better. And finally, David tells us to pursue God alone, to fill that vacuum in our lives.

Next time, we will talk about the person (you and me) who seeks after God. I hope this study has blessed you, and I hope you will join us next week.

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