Monday, June 20, 2022

A new study - groundwork

Well, now the secret is out. (Grin)

I really feel like the Holy Spirit is guiding us to take a short break from the Psalms. We've learned a great deal from our studies there, but we are being drawn to a (very) small book in the New Testament. There must be a reason for this - the Spirit doesn't do things haphazardly. He always has a plan.

Let's dig in and see what He has for us!

In the past, the country that I (and some of you dear readers) live in was referred to as a "Christian" nation. I suppose in the language of today, people would be "triggered" if they heard us say that. 


It's true.

The first Christian pilgrims came to America on the Mayflower in 1620 (post dating the settlement of Jamestown in 1607) and a small band of (Dutch) Jewish immigrants landed in America in 1654. All of these people were seeking refuge, liberty, and RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. Later, our "Founding Fathers" established a grand experiment: a nation founded on God's gifts of freedom and a moral people to utilize them. Judaic symbols were used in the imagery of the states as each one was established. America remained Judeo-Christian by a general consensus up to the late 1960's, when the ruling elites of the West started their Marxist plans in motion. 

But I digress. You say you don't think I'm correct? Check out the founders' own words:

"...reason and experience both forbid us to expect, that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle...."   George Washington

''The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity."  John Adams

"God, Who gave us life, gave us liberty." Thomas Jefferson

"It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ." Patrick Henry

Thankfully, we still have a few vestiges of our Christian heritage in our Constitution and our laws, but in practice? We have become a thoroughly pagan nation.

In the past fifty years, and especially in the last ten or so, a major moral shift has occurred in our country. For those of you outside the United States, you likely have observed this, too, in your own nation. Traditional families of dad, mom, and kids are observed as quaint relics, out of step with the times. Such families are in the minority now.

Sexual immorality has gone from being something hidden to being something flaunted in the media. Movies assume sex outside of marriage is perfectly acceptable; homosexuality is celebrated as "pride," and "drag queen story hours" are considered suitable entertainment for children. Speaking of children, our culture presses them to accept the contagion of transgenderism as normative, and it's becoming difficult to shield our children and grandchildren -- it's becoming a hate crime to speak negatively about any of these behaviors. Even many churches are frightened and won't speak up.  

Yes, this is the culture we live in. And we face a serious question: how can we live as God's holy people in this pagan world? 

Paul's short (only three chapters) letter to Titus addresses just this problem. I hope you will join us as we study this week and in the weeks following.

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