Thursday, August 1, 2013

Proverbs 31:17 Take your vitamins!

She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.

Well, you may have read that title and be wondering about my sanity again . . . Fear not! I'll tell you where I'm going with this.
The noble woman of Proverbs 31, the ideal woman that Lemuel's mom was telling him to look for, was not a "domestic goddess." That term calls to mind a manicured and pampered woman reclining on a couch, eating bonbons and watching her favorite tv shows.
Not her.
The noble woman was a virtual whirlwind of activity -- we've seen (and we will continue to see) so many ways that she was industrious, ambitious, and hardworking. And all of this for the delight of her husband, and the betterment of her family.  So far we've seen her taking care of matters in the home and outside the home, dealing in real estate and horticulture, managing finances, finding deals at the markets, spicing up what she provides for her family, making clothing, etc. 
She must have had a lot of energy.
Does she remind you of the Energizer Bunny?

Well, there is only one way that she could do all of that -- we've discussed that she had to fully rely on God's strength for her tasks. But she had to help out, by taking good care of herself.
Is that an area that you have not paid much attention to?

Do you take the time to make certain that you eat well?  Do you ensure that you drink plenty of water and other fluids and stay hydrated in the hot weather? Do you bundle up and stay warm in the cold season?
Are you as conscientious with your own diet as with those you care for? Do you make certain that you eat foods that have vitamins, fiber, and minerals, so that you can be at the best level of health you possibly can?
And yes, you might want to include vitamins!
If we don't take care of ourselves, we will not be healthy and strong -- and we place obstacles in God's way when He wants to use us. Yes, He is all powerful, and can prevail when we are weak. But just think what kind of an example we are setting for those we care for, if we don't follow our own advice about correct diet, restful sleep, and exercise? Hmmmm?
Yes, I'm preaching to myself here, too.
Let's make sure that we take care of ourselves. We will have energy and strength for what God calls us to do, and being in tip-top health will enable us to be cheerful about our tasks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear. BUSTED. Every. Single. Day. Is a struggle with this. :/


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