Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday slowdown

The whole world was lost
In the darkness of sin,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday,
His glory shone in.
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me.
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus!
No darkness have we
Who in Jesus abide;
The Light of the world is Jesus!
We walk in the light
When we follow our Guide!
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Ye dwellers in darkness
With sin blinded eyes,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Go, wash, at His bidding,
And light will arise.
The Light of the world is Jesus!
No need of the sunlight
In Heaven we’re told;
The Light of the world is Jesus!
The Lamb is the Light
In the city of gold,
The Light of the world is Jesus!

I was unable to find a video for this hymn, but I feel that the lyric by Philip Bliss is a blessing all by itself.
I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend.


  1. Dear friends, I know this is not the day for prayer requests, but I wanted to put one here since I wasn't sure if anyone checks the request page regularly.

    In a nutshell, we must put my father-in-law (Alzheimer's) into some kind of facility because my mother-in-law is no longer able to care for him at home due to her declining health. The problem is he is still himself enough, that he refuses to go. We are praying for Divine Intervention and I ask that you pray that prayer for us.

  2. Belinda, I know I speak for all of the folks who will stop by here today....we'll be praying for you and for your entire family in this difficult situation. I pray that you will feel His peace as you work through this.


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