Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Prayer requests

Recently, we've been praying with some of our fellow Bible studiers, and we've seen some wonderful answers to prayer! Praise Him!

I thought one of the stories that I was honored to hear, would be encouraging to all of us. I received approval to post this, but I will leave off the name of our friend -- I'll call her Ms. C.

Ms. C told me:
I was struggling.  Past tense.  I had the very invasive heart surgery a year ago late next month.  I think I related that testimony to you already  that though it was risky,  it was the only thing that could help me…the surgery and the Lord took me through all of it including who to go to.  I was surrounded with Christians, including the surgeon. My cardiologist too…and my GP and the Cardiac CCU  Nurse Practitioner the surgeon has paired with himself.  I prayed confidently before the surgery and while waiting for it in the hospital.  I had total faith in Him. I told Him that I would win either way.  If He wished me to live, I would open my eyes and see my family.  If He wanted me Home, then in the operating room I would walk joyfully into His arms.  What better?  I had NO fear.  None.  Not even a tingle.  I knew I was going to be happy either way.

Well, the Lord does not do things half way only to say to you further along “I was just kidding”…when He does a Work in you, He does, and it is permanent.

I learned that I kept a few PVC’s and PAC’s (please google definitions).  They don’t make me in the least inconvenienced. The cardiologist does not mind.  All was well until last week.

A week ago, I had either/or both of the extra heartbeats.  I was wearing my sports heartbeat thingy around my chest and the watch on my arm to see what the heart rate is while I am doing physical training.  I looked down during one of these episodes which had became very frequent, and I saw the light headedness was caused by the 8 extra tiny beats that came in during that electrical disturbance so to speak. 

IF they had not made me lightheaded and if they had not occurred so frequently, I would have been OK.  BUT I don’t like being hit with that while walking, driving or anything else as it made me potentially unsafe.  

So taking Erich home last Saturday I prayed and during that prayer it was plain for the Lord to see that when I asked  Him for mercy, that I knew He did not do a halfway job when He shepherded me through the surgery and had me come through it all  infection and complication free…this fluttering and lightheadedness  was a “mistake” *I* made by worrying.   But I had total faith in prayer (I did.  That’s the “secret”.) that He would remedy it as He leaves nothing undone for His children when He has laid His hand on us.

Later that day…I had no more and have not had since.

Praise be to His name.  

Yes, praises be to the name of the Lord! What a wonderful testimony!
Perhaps the Lord has moved in your life, too. Perhaps you are praising Him, and have a heart full of joy because of answered prayer.

Perhaps you are still waiting for His answer.

Whatever is on your heart, please leave a comment to let us know -- we'll pray with those who desire it, and we'll rejoice with those who are praising Him!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for Mrs. C!!! I need faith as strong as hers!


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