Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Prayer requests

It's time once again for our special day of prayer for the requests that we know about. It is an honor to spend time in prayer and meditation each day, especially when we can bring others' petitions with us to our Father.
but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. (Psalm 1:2)
Up there, where I said "and meditation" . . . don't get hung up on that, OK? I'm not talking about the same thing that non-Christians mean, when they say "meditation." That practice has a stated purpose of "emptying the mind."  Our meditation seeks to engage the mind in purposeful thought, prayer to God, and deepening our relationship with Him.

How do we do this? We use our times of meditation and prayer as times of fellowship with God. Read a passage slowly, savoring each word. Worship Him in our spirits, as we quote His Word back to Him. Purpose in our hearts to "do according to all that is written there." (Joshua 1:8)

We can also personalize the verse. I don't believe that it grieves the Spirit for us to do this. Here is an example: Colossians 3:16 could be said, "Let the word of Christ dwell in me richly . . ." It then becomes a more personal verse, and will stick with us even better!

As we ponder our verses and are attentive to the Spirit, He will reveal new insights to us and help us to understand more fully.
To put it simply, our purpose in prayer and meditation is to seek His face, and to ask, "Lord, what do you want me to do?"

Let's give special attention to our prayer time today. Meditate on His Word as we pray for each other. If you would like for us to pray with you about a matter, please leave a comment for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. I do love what you said about engaging the mind rather than emptying it! Sadly the latter is what so many people think meditating is! Very dangerous! xx


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