Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Prayer requests

Further evidence that the Spirit is in control of all things . . . this week, when we are studying Rhoda, and prayer, our prayer request day rolls around!

I'd like to invite everyone to leave a comment here with your prayer requests. We've seen some wonderful answers to prayer lately, and everyone has rejoiced. Our faith is strengthened, too!

Share as much detail (or as little) as you like. If it is something that you're not comfortable sharing in this venue, just let us know to pray for you, and for your unspoken request.

If God has answered your prayers, lately, the same thing goes -- tell us about it if you feel OK with that, and we will all praise Him together!


  1. The Lord was merciful to my oldest again. He is well. Praise the Lord.

  2. Our son is travelling today to pick up his son. The weather is iffy, altho the warnings have been dropped. Please pray for safe travels for them. We haven’t seen Avery, our grandson, since just after Christmas, so it will be wonderful to see him again.


We welcome comments pertaining to our study; rude comments will be deleted, as will links for advertising purposes.