Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Prayer requests

There are many wonderful examples of prayer in our Bibles. Some solitary, some in corporate settings. Some are the pleadings or musings of an individual, some are the cries of many people, united in prayer.
I want to share some thoughts of mine, as I sat by our campfire here in the country . . .

God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we think He will.
He doesn't always answer the way we think He should.
But He always answers.

Do we remember how Moses prayed after the disturbing and disappointing golden calf idolatry? (If you would like to refresh your memory, check it out in Exodus 33.)

The first thing that Moses asked for was to know the Lord. Oh, I want that, too! I want to know Him like I know a close friend! After all, as we grow older, many times our friends are miles away or perhaps have gone on to heaven. We need Him as our Friend. I know I do . . . sometimes when I'm on the highway, I just talk to Him. Some months ago, we traveled hundreds of miles to some important meetings. Alone with my thoughts, I told the Lord about some ladies that I know, who needed the comfort and strength that only He could give. I figured why not talk to Him? I'm getting forgetful, and by the time I get ready for bed, I might not remember to ask Him about them.
We were driving by rolling foothills covered by herds of cows and horses -- I thanked Him for the beauty He'd created, and asked Him to watch over us, just like He watches all His creation. Arriving at our destination, I was refreshed and buoyed by my talk with my Friend.

What did Moses ask for next? For the Lord to go with him. I echo Moses' thoughts, here. He told God that if He didn't go with him, he'd rather not go anywhere! Oh, yes, Lord, don't leave me to my own strength -- how puny! I want to know that You are with me, every step of the way!

Moses' last request? To see God' glory.
Oh. My. Goodness. God tells him, "Yes."
That is such a huge prayer that God hides Moses in a small place in the rocks and only allows him to see His back as He walks past.
That's an insanely huge prayer.
But I have big prayers to pray, too.
I have loved ones that I am crying out to God for. I want Him to call them by His Spirit and woo them back to fellowship with Him.
I want others that I'm praying for, to be saved for the first time.
These are insanely big prayers, I know, for I know the people and the circumstances.

But I also know that He will answer.
And it's not up to me to figure out HOW He is going to accomplish these things.
That's OK with me.
I'll just keep praying.
And I'll trust Him for the answers.

If anyone has a request that we can pray for -- please feel free to leave a comment so that we can join you in prayer; or join you in praise for answered prayers.

Let's pray . . . .


  1. I have been a bit preoccupied the last week or so and would really like prayer for myself and my brother and mother. Mum has moved into residential care back in her home town. It is a huge change for all of us as I have lived with her the last 14 years. We are also selling up here in Wales and preparing to also move back to mum's home town in the next few months. Such a big thing as there are serious health issues with my brother and myself. Please pray that a buyer will be found and that all will go smoothly! Thanks x

  2. And I will number myself there as praying for you and the family. Like the quotation above in the study...God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we think He will.
    He doesn't always answer the way we think He should.
    But He always answers.

    We were just speaking of that yesterday!


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