Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday - It's YOUR turn to speak!

I'd like to do something different today.
I hope this study has been a blessing for you; I know I have learned a great deal from it!

I'd like to hear from any of you that would like to answer -- take a moment to consider two questions, and then leave a comment:

First, how can a believer keep a new beginning with God from "fizzling out?" How can we sustain it for the long haul?

Second, is there one concept that has meant a lot to you in this study? What inspired or moved you?

I know that we have many people who study here.  Sometimes the swift pace of life leaves no time for entering a comment or feedback. I hope you will have a moment to comment today.

Consider those questions and let me hear from you! If there's not time for both, choose one!

Blessings to all who pause here!


  1. I should wait a while this morning to consider before commenting as I am in a slight hurry even at 7 I may forget later in the days "business" so I will say a bit now "off the cuff" if you will. To question 1 my thought is: conversations with the Lord, every single day telling Him ALL that you have to tell. Good, bad and indifferent as they say. Firstly, gratitude to Him for even the act of waking this morning..breathing...your food, home, comforts, even discomforts, yes, I meant that. Present your gratitude first even for the smallest thing that comes to mind. Then, your concerns, your love for family and friends and Him. READ a LOT. The Bible, books by Christian authors when possible ... and good, uplifting Christian fiction can be inspirational and strike a deep chord within. I wish I could give an example of such here but that would not be the thing to do in a blog.

  2. A year and a half ago my husband and I joined a new start up Reformed Baptist Church. Since then we have gone through many firsts and new beginnings. New people coming in, moving from afternoon services with pastors coming in from other churches to give the messages to morning services with a couple of our own members doing the messages. We went through the book of Nehemiah to see what God had to say about building for Him. We’ve done the beginning of electing elders and deacons. It’s been a joy to be a part of all this and to watch what God is building. Many years ago we went through a very painful church closure. So this time we are hoping that we can bring what we learned from that and help maintain the unity and the love and the fellowship of the body of Christ. It is slow going and discouraging at times and yet we are able to see God building this church, even if as in Ezra’s day so far there are only small and perhaps shabby foundations. At least we know that the foundations are laid on God’s Holy Word and He will bring in new members when He wills it.

  3. What a joy to read Cathy's response.


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