Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Prayer requests

Prayer is important to the heritage of believers.

How many times has a Christian felt things slipping away from her or him, and recalled a parent or church member praying with them, or for them?
What exactly should we say? What is an effective way to pray?
We know that even if we don't know what to say, the Spirit will help us. But sometimes it helps to have some guidance. What requests will truly honor and please our Father?

First, whether we are praying for children, young adults, or older folks, we can pray that they will move toward greater understanding and discretion; greater knowledge of how to live godly lives. Here are two verses that we can pray:
15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:15-16)
Pray for them to grow up. (Grin) I could use someone praying this one over me, sometimes!
Young adults and older adults share the same issue here sometimes - they may look all grown up, but some of them have a great deal of maturing left to do! Pray that God will grow them, teach them, and train them.
Next, pray for these kids or adults to choose wise, healthy, and positive friends. Pray that the negative, immature, unhealthy friends will get out of their lives.
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” (I Corinthians 15:33)
Pray for them to realize that bad company can ruin their morals. Let them avoid being deceived and be protected from unwise companions.
Also pray that they will seek God. There are so many things competing for people's attention nowadays -- pray that they will be drawn to the Lord. Ask the Spirit to put a desire in their heart to look for God wholeheartedly.
Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  (Jeremiah 29:12-13)
Lastly, pray that they will listen. That they will reach out for God's plan for their lives. God surely has a purpose for each one of us. And that goes for the people we are praying for, too. Some of us have broken hearts for wayward children, or for adults who have turned their backs on their faith. Others are praying for salvation for loved ones, or for increased health for those we care for. God knows, and He hears. In His time, He will work in their hearts. He will accomplish His purposes.
Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly;    though lofty, he sees them from afar. Though I walk in the midst of trouble,    you preserve my life.
You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes;    with your right hand you save me. The Lord will vindicate me;    your love, Lord, endures forever    do not abandon the works of your hands. (Psalm 138:6-8)
I'd like to encourage anyone who would like us to pray to leave a comment here with your prayer request. Let's get on our knees and contend with the demons of this world. Let's reclaim some territory with God's help.
I'm one of the ones claiming His promises for family members who need to come back to Christ. I know that at one time, Marla studied here, and asked for prayers for her husband's health. Let's bear him up before our Father. Belinda was in need of prayer for family, and Tonya is raising her family without her dear husband, who went to be with the Lord. All of these and others are in need of our prayers.

Let's pray.

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