Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fussin' and feudin' series - your turn to speak!

One of the things that I find so special about this study blog is how we can all work together, whether it's supporting each other in prayer, or leaving comments that inspire thoughtful consideration of a passage or a concept we've studied.

Today, as in some other studies, I would like to leave you with two questions. Give these some thought, and if you have time, leave a comment to address them. Many times your words will resonate with someone who perhaps has had a similar question, or who may think differently about the situation.

Discussion is good! Sharing our thoughts is a way to grow and mature:
As iron sharpens iron,    so one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17, NIV)
Or, in another translation:
 People learn from one another, just as iron sharpens iron. (GNT)
So, here is question one: Is there a "right" time to leave a church?

And here is number two: "Obey your leaders and submit to them" frightens some of us. Are there limits that apply to both leaders and people?

I look forward to your comments!


  1. I commented on yesterday's post, but have now transferred to here as it has some relevance (I hope).

    Excellent study. It is very difficult though in the church today where there is so much false (or unnecessary) doctrine and practice being introduced. I guess one just has to find a church where the leaders are Godly and biblical. Trouble is there so much of it, at least here in the UK, that finding Godly leaders in churches around about is getting harder and harder. Then again some people just want to nit pick inconsequentials! There is no shortcut though. Everyone has to keep close to God, both church leaders and the congregation.

    Your first question is difficult to answer, which is why you asked it I guess, lol. My answer is "I don't know". I have left churches over the years and one in particular which was very popular and lively and "happy clappy" However, the whole basis of the church was flawed. Biblical interpretation such as it was, was just wrong. However, it was very popular with young people - it's in a university city. Me, being older and a Christian for a long time knew that the shaky foundations would eventually crumble which it did, but not in the way I thought. There were suicides (two that I know of) divorces among the leaders, and a terrible scandal involving a youth leader and young kids. I guess when biblical adherence goes out the window, this is what can happen. The Church and leader is still in place, but the congregation is mostly African and transient because of the university.

    Your second question follows on in that one can only obey church leaders if they are Godly and biblical in their teaching and life style. This means that it is up to every Christian individual to seek the Lord and scripture and hold their church leaders accountable for the way they live. But for young Christians woe and betide the leaders who lead them down the wrong path!

    A bit rambly, sorry! x

    1. That is a reply that I enjoyed reading very much! Had I been able at the time I read it to respond I would have possibly written something similar. Because what you have written here resonates with me!

  2. For the first question I would say yes, but not without a lot of heart searching and also perhaps working within the church to perhaps help to amend whatever the problem is. It would also depend on what else was available as far as churches go and what they were teaching. We are very prone to wander and perhaps jump from church to church looking for the prefect place.... perfect doctrine, perfect leaders, perfect fellowship, perfect unity. None of those exist this side of glory so if that is what we are looking for we’ll never find it. I think before jumping from a church we should do our best to work within that church to effect change. If that cannot be done then prayerfully seeking a God centred Bible centred church would be a requirement, should one be available.

    Second question: we are scripturally required to submit ourselves to our elders and pastors in the church, assuming that they are Godly Bible teaching men. The limits are what God placed, that they be Godly Bible teaching leaders applying the word of God to their lives and ours.

  3. Cathy, excellent food for MY thought in the sometimes wandering, searching for the perfect church and pastor...and as you said, none such exist this side of glory. I never thought of THAT particular thing!


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