Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Prayer requests

We humans have a tendency to hunker down and try to stay warm. Stay home, close to the "fire" and be cozy. Why in the world would we want to go out in the frigid air and the wind? It's SO much nicer here in the warmth and light of our house.

As believers, we may have the same tendency in our witnessing and our outreach. It's so much easier and nicer to stay with other believers and have fellowship there. We may let opportunities to reach others pass us by simply because it would require us to "get out of our comfort zone"!

One of many people in the Bible who did great things for God is the man we are studying now: Nehemiah. Let's be clear -- we read in the Bible of men and women who DID great things -- not great men and women who did things! (Grin) The only pre-requisite is this: to have a big heart for God.

Remember that Nehemiah was living the good life in the palace; he was a servant, but a trusted one. He had lots of perks, right? But when he heard the news of the problems in Jerusalem, he refused to just ignore it; he made plans and asked the king for time off and supplies.

It just may be that God is doing the same thing in our hearts today. Yep, you and me!
He is stirring in our hearts to do something for His glory -- to step out of our comfort zone -- to do something for Him.
We don't have to be pastors or missionaries. We don't have to be super-duper-mature Christians. All we have to have is the willingness to get out of our comfort zone.
It could be something as simple as walking across the room at a gathering to talk to someone we might usually have ignored. It could be as simple as stopping after our walk to the mailbox to ask our neighbor to come to church next Sunday. It could be as simple as addressing a cheerful card to someone who is sick or undergoing treatments, and then following up the card with a phone call. Maybe someone at work is ignored by others and could use a cheerful hello, or someone to sit with them in the lunchroom.
Whatever it is, don't be afraid to step away from your comfort zone, that warm, cozy place of "this is what I always do." God is looking for women (and men) who have a heart for Him, and are willing to step into unfamiliar territory with the Spirit's guidance.
Let's pray that we will have a passion for others. That we will seem them through the eyes of Christ Jesus, and be moved to help them in some small way.

I hope that you will join me in prayer that we will see and use opportunities to spread the gospel in our daily lives. I hope, too, that if you have a prayer request, you will let us know so that we can join you in prayer.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this! I did that at work. I tried to pay attention to those who got no attention, or when the attention they got was not optimal.


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