Thursday, March 19, 2020

More discussion

Did you leave your "two cents worth" yesterday?

After this two week study of Nehemiah chapter eight, what are your thoughts on having a responsive heart? How can we develop a heart that is responsive to the reading and hearing of God's Word?

And lastly, let's all think and write down one spiritual goal that we can work on, related to what we have learned in the past two weeks of study. If you don't mind sharing, we'd love to hear -- your goals may inspire others to achieve their goals, too!


  1. I don't think I can give a short answer, except to say willingness and humility plus a deep thankfulness to God for what he has done.

    One spiritual goal? Hmmm? I remember these words from 2 Timothy 4 we shared at my father's funeral exactly fifteen years ago "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:"
    I am trusting that both my parents are now rejoicing at the feet of Jesus and having received their crowns of righteousness have since cast them down before Him! ❤️

  2. In order to have a willing and responsive heart to God’s word we actually have to be in God’s word, reading and studying and thinking and learning. I know that sounds obvious but we can’t respond to what we don’t know nor can we love the Lord fully if we don’t know Him and we can’t know Him apart from the Word. The more we learn, the more we want to learn in an ever widening circle.
    One spiritual goal..... to be less distractible. My brain scitters and scatters all over the place when trying to concentrate or pray. I have a really hard time starting with a thought and then having my thoughts go off in a seemingly totally different direction. I also have a hard time thinking about only one thing at a time. I even get distracted by thoughts of not getting distracted. (grin).


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