Friday, October 9, 2020

Friday slowdown

Do you have five minutes to share with me?

I hope you do.

Our Lord is joy and peace, our Rock. We willingly and faithfully wait upon Him.

There is a beautiful Beethoven piece that nearly brings me to tears each time I hear or sing it. There are many versions of the lyrics. The little girl in this video waited and was rewarded with pure joy, uplifting music that blessed and unified all who gathered in the square.

I hope you enjoy this video and are blessed with peace as you are reminded of the joy that is ours in our Savior. . . . 

"Can you sense the Creator, world?
Seek him above the starry canopy.
Above the stars He must dwell........"


  1. I used to love this, but it was ruined for me by being adopted by the EU as it's anthem! This is a powerful rendition tho.


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