Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Your turn to speak

I've learned so much from this study! I thought I knew this psalm pretty well, having listened to quite a few sermons and such . . . but there's nothing like digging in for yourself and listening to the Spirit as He guides us!

I hope that you have enjoyed it too, and perhaps gleaned a nugget or two worth keeping. 

I truly believe that God placed this study on the internet with a purpose in mind. I've been blessed to hear from people who have found our study and have gotten answers for questions, or comfort for trials. It may be that your answer here may encourage a believer who is struggling mightily. It may be that the Spirit may use these posts to call an unbeliever to Christ.

I'd like to turn the "podium" over to you, as we do sometimes. 

I'd like to hear your thoughts on a couple of questions based on our study. We've said that real contentment comes from experiencing and treasuring all that the Good Shepherd has provided for us. We've noted that this contentment is available to all believers - every one of His sheep.

Is it realistic or idealistic to believe that a person from a difficult past can find contentment in Jesus Christ alone? What are your thoughts? And if you think they can, what are some tips that you could give a person struggling with this?

I want to thank you in advance for taking time out of your busy day to leave your thoughts here to bless others.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed this study. There are a number of books written about Psalm 23. To try and answer your question, I think that of course someone from a difficult past can find contentment in Jesus Christ alone, but the degree that they have contentment is dependent on many things, including how much time they spend getting to know him, time spent in personal study and reflection. I am being greatly blessed at the moment just listening to the Bible being read. I'm listening to 1 Thessalonians at the moment and the richness there is such a blessing. I'm learning new things all the time and even after 60 years as a Christian that is saying something! If someone is struggling in their Christian walk, I would say take a breath and keep on keeping on. God doesn't judge us on how long we spend reading and studying the Word, but whether we have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him for our salvation. That, as far as I can see, is all that is required of us. Contentment comes from that knowledge. And then, as the Psalm finishes, "I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."


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