Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Prayer requests

This week as we open up this forum for prayer requests, I would encourage each of us to go back through the studies and pray for requests that have been mentioned in the past.....you can search the blog with those key words.

Many times the requests have been for long term illnesses, or for family situations that are not quickly changed.
Bring the requests up to Jesus, and ask Him to make His presence known to those who need His touch. Ask the Spirit to comfort those who need it, and to make joyful those who are sad.

And please feel free to leave a comment here if you have a matter that we can pray about with you. I'd like to ask everyone to rejoice with me, for I have finally decided on a surgeon and God has given me peace about having the first of two surgeries on my feet, about a month from now. It took much research and even more prayer....but I have confidence now that the innovative procedure is what God would have me do. (I will try to prepare some posts in advance for when I am "off my feet.")

Blessings to all who pause here, who leave us comments, and who we commit to pray alongside.


  1. Praying for you as you approach this surgery. I pray that it goes well and is able to fix whatever the problem is. I am continuing to need prayer for our son. He continues to be without work. He has applied to numerous places, and yet nothing happens. I am hoping that the Lord is using this time to work in our sons heart, to show him his need of a Saviour above all other things.

  2. I will include him in my daily prayers Cathy.

  3. Jacque...my eyes slid right over your own surgery...I don't know how that happened. HUGS, and I know for a fact all will be well. He always provides and He always guides every millisecond of your life.


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