Friday, August 31, 2018

Friday slowdown

A final thought for this week.... I know our studies have been lengthy, and I hope that you have waded through them and gotten some good from them!

As we studied this week, I kept thinking over and over that we believers are so blessed -- we can be so happy in this world, and then we will be happy in the next, as well! I've often said in conversation with other Christians, that I don't know how unbelievers can navigate this world without Him. I don't see how they do it! For unbelievers, bad things happen with no ultimate purpose. When the waves of circumstance and mistreatment by others threaten to capsize an unbeliever, what can they cling to? I can't imagine the fear they must feel.... on the other hand, as the waves rise around a believer, she or he has no fear. We may not know what will happen in the short run, but we are certain that in the long run, God's plan for our lives will be worked out perfectly.  We can have that perfect peace that casts out fear. We can be satisfied that "all is well."
As Christians, we firmly believe that all things work together for our good and for God's glory. Why? Because He has said it is so, and He is faithful!  We can confidently walk by faith and not by sight. We know that even if things are difficult to understand now, someday we will see all of the the links in the chains of circumstances; we'll see how God's providence led us each day. And one day, in heaven, we will bless the Lord for His wisdom in our lives.
I'm reminded of an old gospel song that is precious to many of us..... "We'll Understand it Better By and By:

Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understand
All the ways that God would lead us to that blessed Promised Land.
But he’ll guide us with his eye, and we’ll follow till we die.
For we’ll understand it better by and by.

Paul called it "seeing through a glass darkly." He was referring to this sweet promise, that God knows what He is doing even when we don't.  We can be satisfied with God's purposes, His providence, and His plans for us.

Are we satisfied with God?

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