Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Recovery week - day 3

Recently, I've had conversations with several folks who were wrestling with the issue of past sins.....and I totally understand.....I've been there, too. I would keep remembering the things that made me cringe; there were things that stayed in my mind, although my heart kept telling me that I'd already told Jesus about them -- and He had gently taken my hand and assured me of His forgiveness.  My heart was overflowing with joy the day the Spirit told me, "You may remember those things, but He doesn't. He has forgiven you. Those sins are as far from you as the east is from the west!" I finally understood what "under the blood" really meant.  Now, when I recall those things, instead of asking again for forgiveness, I thank Him for His grace and mercy. Praise Him!

I was blind
Or maybe I just didn't want to see
How foolishly I tried
To build my own destiny
But all my well-constructed plans
Failed me time and time again
So my broken heart came to Him
With empty hands

That's when Jesus changed everything
Jesus changed everything
There is joy overflowing
I'm forgiven and free
Jesus changed everything

I was filled with pain and guilt
But now I know His peace
The chains of yesterday
Have now been released
The bitterness that I once knew
The anger that inside me grew
Were all washed away
By the grace and made me knew

Jesus changed everything
Jesus changed everything
There is joy overflowing
I'm forgiven and free
Jesus changed everything

1 comment:

  1. For me, it's not really a matter of forgiveness that bothers me so much about past sins, it's the embarrassment of having done them. And others knowing I did them. That old devil continues to torture me with the consequences of those sins, but I remind myself that God knows and forgives and that's all that matters.


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