Thursday, August 1, 2019

Responses to opposition - your turn to speak!

I'm so thankful for all who join me here to pray and study.
I'm going to hush up today!

It's y'all's turn to speak!

We've studied on committing ourselves to the Lord and being determined to follow Him. We've seen that we should actually EXPECT the enemy to attack, and to experience obstacles and setbacks.

We've been encouraged by the Word to be prepared -- and not give up!

I'd like to hear from y'all today, if you have time to leave a comment.

A couple of questions from our studies . . . I have opinions on these, but I'd like to hear from you.

First, if someone shares something that we think may be a half-truth or a false accusation against someone else, what should we say? How should we respond?

Second, how can we know whether a hindrance to spiritual progress is due to the enemy or to it not being God's timing right now?

I hope you will consider these questions and let others know your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks very much for your participation!


  1. On the first I will present the information that is true if I know it. If I don't, I will attempt to stop that part of the conversation. On the second, it would be depending on what the hindrance that would generally be a very hard thing for us to try to determine unless it flies in the face of Biblical truth.

  2. For the first question I would hope that the person doing the hearing would stop the conversation in its tracks, lovingly but firmly, by saying something to the effect of “this may or may not be true and we shouldn’t be discussing whatever it is without the person being here to defend themselves”

    As for the second question, there could be so many causes for the failure to grow spiritually, but I think most of them would have to do with ourselves and what we are or are not doing. Not enough time spent with the Lord reading and studying the Word and in prayer being the primary. Allowing ourselves to be distracted by this very device I’m now using to respond to your question takes time from the Lord. Is there a sin either open or hidden? I’m not sure that it would ever be because it isn’t the Lord’s timing for us to grow spiritually.

  3. Thank you both for your thoughtful comments! Good replies, and you've given all who pause here food for thought. Blessings to you, and thank you for your faithfulness to our studies!


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