Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Verses that inspire

As I tried to patiently rest and recover recently, this verse meant a great deal to me:

God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

What a promise, and how many believers have clung to those words down the centuries!

Life can be tough, no? People can let us down; situations can let us down. We can experience heartaches and disappointment, trials and grief.

Where do we go?

Who do we lean on?

The latest flavor of ice cream?

Binge-watching episodes that distract us?

It's God's desire that we turn to Him. He wants us to pour out our hearts to Him, and He wants to be our refuge. He wants to be the strength we need. He will be our help in trouble.

Let's choose to let Him speak in our lives. Let's look to our Bibles and wait for the Spirit to guide us. We will find our answers. We will find His power in our times of need.

If a verse has inspired you recently, won't you leave a comment to help others along the way?

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