Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Verses that inspire

I admit it.

I'm an organizer.

A do-er.

I don't do "relaxing" very well.

But God has planned for our bodies to receive rest from our work. We can't labor all the time. He even set an example for us.....
He is all powerful -- created everything that we see in this world, from nothing! He definitely had no need of a "time out" after that. It's not like He said, "Wow, all this creation stuff has tired me out!" And then took a nap.

No, He knew that even though we are created in His image, we are "a vapor," and frail. We need rest sometimes.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (Genesis 2:2)
I'd like to challenge all of us to rest some this week. Grab a card with a memory verse that we are trying to learn, and put our feet up. Maybe sit on the porch with a cup of tea.

Read over our verse, and then let our minds wander. Enjoy the sounds of nature that we hear. Relax. Turn our thoughts to all of the blessings that He has given us, and thank Him for those, slowly, one by one.  We're not in a hurry, here.

I bet that we will rise from our rest period with a renewed joy and a sense of wonder about all that He has given us!

If a verse or passage has inspired you recently, won't you share it with all of us?

Thank you!

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