Saturday, July 4, 2020

God has blessed America!

Happy Independence Day!

Happy July Fourth to all of my friends in the United States!

We see so many signs that say "God bless America!"

But ya know, He already has! An awful lot!!

But how often do we fail to thank Him? We've lost touch with the beautiful song, "God Bless America" and even tried to cancel out both the song and the famous singer: Kate Smith.
Over the past few decades, we have certainly moved away from a national faith in a higher being, a Creator Who calls us to live decent, moral, respecting-others lives. Now it's the flavor of the day for whatever people put their faith in; but they all have a self-centered and self-empowering lack of interest in God, don't they?
He has provided so abundantly for this country!
History shows us that whether they were deists, Baptists, or whatever, the men who signed our Constitution believed in God, and founded our country on biblical principles of justice, fairness, and equal opportunity.
God blessed us, too, with the minerals, oil, lakes and forests, and more in America. He provided us with what we need for ourselves and even enough to help care for other countries.
God has blessed us with the foundations of a free enterprise economy. We excel in innovations and inventions because we are at liberty to be entreprenuers.
There are so many other blessings of living in this great land, a land that was labeled an "experiment" years ago! Even the freedoms of our Bill of Rights and our election process are ways that we are empowered to personally impact the direction of our country. Many parts of the world have no clue about that - it's just not allowed.

Yes, as we celebrate today, let's pause for a moment before we enjoy our barbecue, or before we watch the fireworks. Let's lift our nation up to God in prayer, thanking Him for blessing our land, and asking Him to guide our leaders (and us) moving forward from this day of celebration.

Happy Independence Day!

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