Thursday, September 28, 2017

How in the world can we be holy? (continuing)

Back when I was growing up, and the dinosaurs were populating the earth, we used to giggle at this joke: "Be alert! The world needs more lerts!"

Seriously, though, "being sober" is one phrase that Peter uses three times in his letter. He doesn't mean the "not drunk" meaning of today, but intends a spiritual application. He means to be alert and to be self-controlled.  It carries with it the meaning of clarity of mind, and of sound judgment. It's also used as a qualification of elders and of women who serve the church, too.

All of that to say this: if we are going to live lives of holiness, we need to be alert -- spiritually alert. Jump over to the fifth chapter of I Peter where we read this:
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (I Peter 5:8)
Like a roaring lion....let's imagine for a moment that you lived near a wonderful zoo with amazing habitats and well-cared for animals. Suddenly you see a message on your smartphone that one of the lions has escaped, and he's not eaten lately. He's rummaging around and prowling nearby, and he is hungry! This would not be the time that you would go for your daily walk or jog, right? Or that you would take the grandkids to the park, either. You would make certain that you and your loved ones were safe from danger. You'd warn your family of the danger, and you would all take precautions so that the lion didn't get any of you.

Well, we actually live in enemy territory. This world is where the devil has lots of projects ongoing, and is doing a lot of evil things. If we feed our minds on the "stuff" of this world, and not on the Word of God, we are taking dangerous chances. It's like getting cocky and running outdoors when we know there's a lion on the prowl. No! Don't do it! We need to be aware of the dangers ourselves, and warn those that we love, as well! That's not how to avoid the devil, nor is it a good recipe for holy living!

Another ingredient for successfully implementing a holy lifestyle is our motivation -- Peter says we should "fix our hope completely on the grace being brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." There's our motivation: God's grace!
But why does Peter tell us to focus on the grace we'll receive when Christ returns? Maybe it's because those who would read his letter were going through some pretty intense trials...... Peter is reminding them of the joy of their salvation, but as the comedian used to say, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!" Be strong in the Lord through the trials. Focus on the fact that God is going to bless us abundantly -- far beyond what we can imagine! Those blessings will not be based on what we deserve, for we deserve punishment for our sins..... our blessings are based on His mercy and grace.....undeserved favor.

That picture of our future can motivate us to live holy lives now, no matter how much we are suffering.

How in the world can we be holy? We start by focusing on Christ's coming, guarding our thought life, and being alert to dangers in this world. We're motivated to keep at it, when we remember God's grace.

We'll actually finish this up next week -- gonna hang in there with me? Sure hope so!


  1. I have found the last couple of days study very challenging. How we fill our minds is much more important than most of us Christians will admit.

  2. You betcha I am hanging in there! I want to see what more you have for us.

  3. Be strong in the Lord through the trials! That is it in a word!!


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