Monday, September 25, 2017

How in the world can we be holy? (I Peter 1:13-16)

Hi there! Are you ready for this one? (Grin)
We mentioned last week that a lot of believers put on a good front when they know other folks are watching, but then other times they kinda let down their standards.  I hope you don't get tired of hearing what my grandma used to say....she called this "letting your halo slip"!
Remember when you were a teenager and you wanted to drive? Driving that car was oh, so important to you.... you studied the book for the written test (at least, that's what we do in the US) and then you nervously waited for the test examiner to ride with you on your solo drive. Turn carefully, use your signals, don't go too fast -- then do your happy dance because they said you were OK to drive! But after the test, did you drive just that carefully?

I hate to say it, but sometimes there doesn't seem to be much difference between the world and believers in Christ. They go to church more often. But the divorce rate is about the same. They watch the same television shows and movies. Many are involved in immorality on the internet and in real life. Some Christian business men and women have a terrible reputation. What's happening here?

Are our halos slipping?
Is it a case of being frightened? Are we intimidated?
Many of you have talked with me via email about the state of our world today. I don't believe there has been a time since the early church when Christians are as reviled and despised. In the Sudan, as in some other countries, people are set on fire or beheaded if they are faithful to Jesus. They may be asked if they will drop their devotion to Him and be sucked back into Islam, or in some countries, Buddhism, or some other faiths. Countries that wish to snuff out religion will jail those who speak up about their love for Christ -- or worse, simply kill them for saying they believe, or holding a Bible study in their homes.

In the US and in Western Europe, it is politically incorrect to say that we believe Jesus is "the"'s ok with some if we soft-pedal it and say He is "a" way. We are accused of intolerance. Some will get "in our face" and become quite vocal, even violent, as if the mere thought of our faith enrages them. If we should happen to speak out on the issues of the day, we are shouted down. We are de-valued. Second class citizens. Some spit the word "Christian" venomously in our faces.

A dear friend wrote me recently to say that she appreciated my courage in writing these things. I love her for that, but I can't take credit....the Spirit emboldens me.
I feel I must use the free speech that so many patriots died to give me. I must fight against those who would love to either eradicate us, as my friend said, or push us deep into the catacombs as before. They will continue to trivialize our God and our faith, and they will use their rights of free speech to say hateful things about us and about Jesus. One thing that keeps me going, and it may keep y'all going too, is that this world is not my home.....I'm just a-passin' through.

Our passage for this week (and last week, too) is one that needs to be in our hearts and minds daily. It wouldn't hurt a bit for us to write these verses on a card and memorize them. Will you take that challenge with me? Let's try at the end of two weeks to be able to say them from memory!
Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” (I Peter 1:13-16)
These are fabulous verses for us, for we are living in similar times to those whom Paul addressed in this letter! They had come from varied backgrounds -- some pagan and immoral -- and they were living in a pagan society where they faced huge pressures to conform. Peter was calling these believers to holiness, and he is calling us, too.

The word "holy" means to be separate. When we talk about a holy God, it is describing how far above and beyond His creation He is..... He is completely distinct from it. He is completely pure, for He is separate from sin.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (I John 1:5)
When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; (James 1:13)
Your eyes are too pure to look on evil;    you cannot tolerate wrongdoing. (Habakkuk 1:13a)
When our Father calls us to holiness, it means we are to be set apart from the world, for God, and be separate from sin.
BUT here is where our title this week comes from -- how in the world can we be holy? Sin is in the very core of our being....we are fallen creatures. How can we ever hope to be holy?

I'm not a theologian. I have to make things simple both in order to understand, and in order to "give an account of the hope" within me! The moment we put our faith in Jesus as our Savior, we are set apart to God. As we go on living and keeping that relationship with Him, we are "sanctified" or growing in holiness. This is a process. We're not going to complete it and get a gold star anytime soon. In fact, we won't finish until we are with Him in heaven! But the Bible tells us that when we meet the Lord, we will be perfect, sanctified, completely like Him.

Oh, happy day!
Let me say that part again, OK? If we belong to God, He has set us apart unto Himself. He is progressively making us like Him. And someday we will be completely like Him!

Join me this week as we explore this..... Peter is going to give us instructions on being holy in this world!


  1. Once again, Jacque, it's like you are inside my head! You say all that I wish to say. We are surely just a passin' through. Those verses from 1 Peter are going to be put into my journal. xx

  2. Jacque, I believe we will be in seeming catacombs before another decade. Thank you from the heart for your courage. You voice MY thoughts as well.


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